12/19 IB HL 2

In-class~ Man in the High Castle 

HW~ None

12/19 Classics

In-class~ Theseus

 HW~ Paper Final Draft DUE FRIDAY @ 11:59 (turnitin.com ID- 23296713 password- mythology)

Citations for Works Cited

12/19 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Approaches to Paper 3 Prompts  


Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

Women, Impact of the Great Depression

12/18 Classics

In-class~ Rough Draft due with peer edit, discussion on Hercules

HW~ Final Draft DUE FRIDAY @ 11:59 (turnitin.com ID- 23296713 password- mythology)

12/18 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished Great Depression Arts and Entertainment


Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

Women, Impact of the Great Depression

12/17 IB HL 2

In-class~ Atomic Parity and the Emergence of the Weapons Race

HW~ None

12/17 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Social Impact of Great Depression, started Cultural Impact


Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

Women, Impact of the Great Depression

12/16 IB HL 2

In-class~ China enters the Cold War

HW~ Keylor 353-357 DUE TOMORROW

12/16 Classics

In-class~ Finished Hercules with discussion

HW~ Rough Draft DUE WEDNESDAY (Read Hercules 25-31 if you didn't before)

12/16 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Lasting impact of the New Deal, started Social Impact of the Great Depression

HW~ Oxford 177-182 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression (Base reading required, but also has a lot of other relevant links on gender and the great Depression) DUE TOMORROW

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

12/13 IB HL 2

In-class~ Finished Berlin Crisis including historiographical schools 

HW~ None

12/13 Classics

In-class~ 3-Level outline peer edit, watched Hercules 

HW~ Read World Mythology 25-31 (The Labors of Hercules)

12/13 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Brazil discussion

HW~  Oxford 177-182 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression (Base reading required, but also has a lot of other relevant links on gender and the great Depression) DUE TUESDAY

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

12/12 IB HL 2

In-class~ Read and scored Progressive Paper 2s from Tuesday, Berlin Blockade quiz and started discussion

HW~ None

12/12 Classics

In-class~ Hercules

Upcoming~ 3-level Outline DUE FRIDAY  (Hardcopy)

12/12 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Great Depression in Canada

HW~  Oxford 165 (start at Brazil)-168 (Just end of paragraph) & 170-175 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Oxford 177-182 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression (Base reading required, but also has a lot of other relevant links on gender and the great Depression) DUE TUESDAY

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration  (YOUR CHOICE)

12/11 Classics

In-class~ Medea Socratic Seminar/Boardtalksemester lit analysis paper worktime

Upcoming~ 3-level Outline DUE FRIDAY  (Hardcopy)

12/10 IB HL 2

In-class~ Group Progressive Paper 2 on emergence of super power rivalry

HW~ Oxford: Cold War pg 38-45 (Berlin Blockade: focus notes on causes, impact, and significance)  DUE THURSDAY

12/10 IB 11th Block

In-class~ New Deal Structured Academic Controversy

HW~ Oxford 150-158 DUE THURSDAY

Upcoming~ Oxford 165 (start at Brazil)-168 (Just small end of paragraph) & 170-175 DUE FRIDAY

12/9 IB HL 2

In-class~ Graded Discussion on Churchill vs. Stalin, reading time

HW~ Finish packet reading (Truman, Marshall, Kennan) for TOMORROW

12/9 Classics

In-class~ Finished Medea semester lit analysis paper assigned

HW~ Prep for Medea Socratic Boardtalk WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ 3-level Outline DUE FRIDAY  (Hardcopy)

12/9 IB 11th Block

In-class~ New Deal quiz and discussion

HW~ Oxford 146-149 & New Deal Historiography , with outside research for Structured Academic Controversy TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Oxford 150-158 DUE THURSDAY

12/6 IB HL 2

In-class~ Origins of Cold War tabletop, reading time for Iron Curtain Speech and Soviet response

HW~ Finish above reading for MONDAY

12/6 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Medea from yesterday, read Medea 233-242

HW~ Start prep for WEDNESDAY'S Medea Socratic Seminar  (SS Ideas)

Additional prep ideas ~ Why Do Moms Kill Their Children? (Washington Post)32 Years of U.S. Filicide Arrests (Brown University),

Additional research ideas ~ Diane Downs, Susan Smith, Andrea Yates

12/6 IB 11th Block

In-class~ The Century: Stormy Weather documentary with discussion, 5/6 Paper 3 return

HW~ Oxford 135-145 DUE MONDAY

12/05 IB HL 2

In-class- Intro to Cold War unit

HW- Oxford: Cold War section 1.3 DUE TOMORROW

12/05 Classics

In-class- Reading quiz, read Medea 228-234

HW- none

12/05 IB 11th Block

In-class- Causes of Great Depression paper 3 prompt discussion, Hoover discussion

HW- None due tomorrow, Oxford 135-145 DUE MONDAY

12/4 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Medea, started reading Medea 216-223

HW~ Read Medea 223-228 (Jason exits)

12/3 IB HL 2

In-class~ WWII Paper 2 with Paper 1 component

HW~ None

12/3 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion and clarifications on causes of the Great Depression

HW~ Oxford 121- 125 & 130-134 DUE THURSDAY

12/2 IB HL 2

In-class~ Looked at Paper 2 prompts,  Paper 1 reminders

HW~ WWII Paper 2 Exam on TUESDAY

Bede WWII slides

Practices of War Group Presentations (PLEASE ADD YOURS TO GOOGLE SLIDES)

12/2 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus Socratic Seminar

HW~ Take notes on Classical Mythology 618-627 (Stop at Corinth; notes will go in HW Packet)

12/2 IB 11th Block

In-class~ 20s culture graded discussion, leisure and entertainment context

HW~  Causes of the Great Depression DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Oxford 121- 125 & 130-134 DUE THURSDAY

11/27 Classics

In-class- Finished Oedipus,  Aristotle's definition of tragedy revisited

11/26 IB HL 2

In-class~ Effects of War Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk with debrief, looked at Paper 2 prompts

HW~ None for Monday

Upcoming~ WWII Paper 2 Exam on TUESDAY

Practices of War Group Presentations (PLEASE ADD YOURS TO GOOGLE SLIDES)

11/26 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Contextual Quiz, The Century: Boom to Bust documentary with discussion

HW~ 20s Culture Readings   (Due tomorrow, but won't be used until MONDAY)

11/25 IB HL 2

In-class~ Finished Effects of WWII lecture, prep time for TOMORROW'S Socratic Seminar

HW~ Prep reading for TOMORROW'S Socratic SeminarOxford Women and WWII  Historiographical Perspective on Impact of WWII

Other sites to explore
The War at Home 
Harvard Women in World War II (same resource as last year)
The Japanese women Who Married the Enemy
Social Effects of WWII  (Includes minorities which does fall under social impact if defined)

Practices of War Group Presentations (PLEASE ADD YOURS TO GOOGLE SLIDES)

11/25 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus

HW~ None

11/25 IB 11th Block

In-class- US in WWI and discussed Resolution of WWI

HW- Contextual Quiz TOMORROW

Upcoming~ 20s Culture Readings  (Download document to read correctly. Technically due Wednesday, but will not be used until MONDAY in class) 

11/22 IB HL 2

In-class~ Effect of WWII lecture

HW~ Prep reading for TUESDAY'S Socratic SeminarOxford Women and WWII  Historiographical Perspective on Impact of WWII

Other sites to explore
The War at Home 
Harvard Women in World War II (same resource as last year)
The Japanese women Who Married the Enemy
Social Effects of WWII  (Includes minorities which does fall under social impact if defined)

11/22 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus

HW~ None

11/22 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finish Imperialism, started WWI

HW~ None, study for TUESDAY'S Contextual Quiz (Because I posted this late, I will add bonus questions tied to Gilded Age)

11/21 IB HL 2

In-class~ Paper 1 passback with discussion , tabletop discussion on Yalta and Potsdam with debrief

HW~ Prep reading for TUESDAY'S Socratic Seminar: Oxford Women and WWII  Historiographical Perspective on Impact of WWII

Other sites to explore
The War at Home 
Harvard Women in World War II (same resource as last year)
The Japanese women Who Married the Enemy
Social Effects of WWII  (Includes minorities which does fall under social impact if defined)

11/21 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus (137-145) and Blindess journal

HW~ None

11/21 IB 11th Block

In-class~ US Imperialism

HW~ American as a World Power reading DUE TOMORROW

11/20 Classics

In-class~ Finished Intro to Oedipus and started play (127-137)

HW~ None

11/19 IB HL 2

In-class~ Class scoring for presentations, debrief of presentations, graded discussion on Practices of WWII with debrief, brief review of early WWII diplomatic conferences 

HW~ Yalta and Potsdam reading DUE THURSDAY

Upcoming~ Effects of WWII Socratic Seminar TUESDAY (11/26)

11/19 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished accomplishments of Progressive Era, Native Americans in the Gilded Age and Progressive Failures

HW~ None

11/18 IB HL 2

In-class~ Pratices of Wat in the Pacific Theatre Paper 2 Presentations

HW~ None

11/18 Classics

In-class- Intro to Greek Drama

HW~ None

11/18 IB 11th Block

In-class- Progressive Era

HW- T&S 770-775

11/15 IB HL 2

In-class~ European Theatre Practices of War Presentations

HW~ Pacific Context reading for Monday's Pacific Presentations

11/15 Classics

In-class~ Perseus quiz and graded discussion

HW~ Creative Mythology projects DUE MONDAY

11/15 IB 11th Block

In-class~ World's Fair and Voices of Marginalization Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

11/14 IB HL 2

In-class~ Practices of War lesson presentations library time

HW~ Practices of War lesson presentations   EURO GOES TOMORROW

Context Review Timeline/Map ppt- European Theatre  Pacific Theatre

Upcoming~ WWII Context Reading (Euro DUE FRIDAY Pacific DUE MONDAY)

11/14 Classics

In-class~ The Hero Archetype

HW~ Classical Mythology 547-556 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~  Creative Mythology project DUE MONDAY 11/18

11/14 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Asian immigration, oppression and marginalization tied to class and homelessness (1/2 only)

HW~ Lynch Law in America critical reading Gilded Age World's Fair   (RUBRIC)  & Voice of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

11/13 Classics

In-class~ Finished Tangled 

HW~ None

11/13 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on Social Darwinism, oppression and marginalization

HW~ Lynch Law in America critical reading Gilded Age World's Fair   (RUBRIC)  & Voice of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

11/12 IB HL 2

In-class~ Practices of War lesson presentations library time

HW~ Practices of War lesson presentations 

Context Review Timeline/Map ppt- European Theatre  Pacific Theatre

Upcoming~ WWII Context Reading (Euro DUE THURSDAY, Pacific DUE FRIDAY)

11/12 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Industrialization video and discussion


Lynch Law in America critical reading FOR THURSDAY
Gilded Age World's Fair   (RUBRIC)  & Voice of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

11/8 IB HL 2

In-class~ Practices of War lesson presentations library time

HW~ Practices of War lesson presentations 

Context Review Timeline/Map ppt- European Theatre  Pacific Theatre

Upcoming~ WWII Context Reading (Euro DUE THURSDAY, Pacific DUE FRIDAY)

11/8 Classics

In-class~ Briefly discussed Creative Mythology project, intro to Hero Archetype, started Tangled

HW~ Creative Mythology project DUE MONDAY 11/18


11/8 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Gilded Age World's Fair   (RUBRIC)  work time, read  Women and the Myth of the American West 

Next Week's HW-

The War Between Capital and Labor textbook reading DUE TUESDAY
Lynch Law in America critical reading FOR THURSDAY
World's Fair & Voice of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar FRIDAY


11/7 IB HL 2

In-class~ Finished Causes of WWII Timeline and quick gallery walk, quiz on Causes of WWII Historiography reading, assigned Practices of War lesson presentations

HW~ Practices of War lesson presentations 

Context Review Timeline/Map ppt- European Theatre  Pacific Theatre

Upcoming~ WWII Context Reading (Euro DUE THURSDAY, Pacific DUE FRIDAY)

11/7 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Exam

HW~ Read assignment sheet for Creative Mythology Project, come prepared with question tomorrow

Creative Mythology Project  DUE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 

11/7 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Intro to Gilded Age, assigned Gilded Age World's Fair   (RUBRIC) and Voices of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar


Next Week's Work-

The War Between Capital and Labor textbook reading DUE TUESDAY
Lynch Law in America critical reading FOR THURSDAY
World's Fair & Voice of the Oppressed Socratic Seminar FRIDAY


11/6 Classics

In-class~ Hermes reading check and discussion, revisited the Polarity Chart, Olympians Exam review game

HW~ Olympians exam review  for TOMORROW

11/6 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Civil War Paper 3

HW~ None

11/5 IB HL 2

In-class~ Review of Economic Causes of WWII. Causes of WWII Timeline Activity

HW~ Causes of WWII Historiography DUE THURSDAY

11/5 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Birth of Nation/KKK propaganda (LANG focus)

HW~ Prep for Wednesday's PAPER 3

Reconstruction Historiography reading (5TH PERIOD, I FORGOT TO GIVE YOU A COPY)


PAPER 3 PPT  (This NOW includes ALL prompts that we have looked at over the unit)

11/4 IB HL 2

In-class~ Causes of WWII Group Mind-Map review

HW~ None

11/4 Classics

In-class~ Group read and finished The Bacchae (311-319)

HW~ Classical Mythology  281-292 DUE WEDNESDAY (optional guided reading questions)

Olympians exam review for THURSDAY 

11/4 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished discussion on Fall of Reconstruction and rise of Jim Crow. looked at more Paper 3 prompts, Reconstruction Historiography reading (5TH PERIOD, I FORGOT TO GIVE YOU A COPY)

HW~ Prep for Wednesday's PAPER 3



11/1 IB HL 2

In-class~ Move to Global War Paper 1

HW~ None

11/1 Classics

In-class~ Read a portion of The Bacchae (304-311)

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Second Generation Olympian Exam  Next Thursday

11/1 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished discussion on new agricultural system in the south, started Fall of Reconstruction causes

HW~ Reconstruction Perspective Research and Evaluation DUE MONDAY



10/31 IB HL 2

In-class~ Paper 1 Practice Stations

HW~ Prep for TOMORROW'S Paper 1 Exam  Move to Global War Syllabus   Oxford Paper 1 Guide

Upcoming~ IA Resubmission (Tips and Reminders) by next week to turnitin.com (enrollment below)
  • 22903255
    Class ID
  • perspective

10/31 Classics

In-class~ Dionysus graded discussion and debrief

HW~ None

10/31 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on 14th Amendment and changing lives of former slaves.


Reconstruction Perspective Research and Evaluation DUE MONDAY

10/30 Classics

In-class~ Apollo/Oracle of Delphi quiz, reading time for Classical Mythology 301-302 & 320-325 (Stop at Pan)

HW~ Finish assigned reading

10/30 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Tabletop on Reconstruction Plans , discussion on Congressional Reconstruction

HW~ T&S 727-739 DUE FRIDAY

Reconstruction Perspective Research and Evaluation DUE MONDAY

10/29 IB HL 2

In-class~ Lecture discussion on Sino-Japanese War to Pearl Harbor

HW~ Prep for Friday's Paper 1 Exam  Move to Global War Syllabus   Oxford Paper 1 Guide

10/29 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finish Lost Cause discussion

HW~ Reconstruction Reading (see below) DUE TOMORROW

10/28 IB HL 2

In-class~ Response to the Invasion of Manchuria, Japanese domestic unrest and military take over

HW~ Cambridge pg 63-67 DUE TOMORROW

10/28 Classics

In-class~ In Search of History: The Oracle of Delphi documentary

HW~ For WEDNESDAY, read Classical Mythology 250-256 (Do not skip 254 text box, stop at Cassandra on 256). Open note quiz  over reading and today’s documentary on the Oracle of Delphi

10/28 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Lost Cause and Confederate monument discussion

HW~ The Politics of Reconstruction reading (textbook pdf) DUE WEDNESDAY

10/25 IB HL 2

In-class~ Japan context graded discussion, Invasion of Manchuria lecture

HW~ None

10/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished Apollo's love myths, read Nature of Apollo 267-269 with discussion

HW~ None

10/25 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished Civil War and discussed aftermath

HW~ Critically read The Lost Cause  for MONDAY

10/24 IB HL 2

In-class~ Paper 2 return and discussion

HW~ Context to Japanese Expansion DUE TOMORROW

Optional Reflection DUE TUESDAY 

10/24 Classics

In-class~ Revisited polarity diagram with goddesses, started Loves of Apollo

HW~ None

10/24 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Group outline peer discussion, Sherman's March to the Sea and perspectives, set up Siege of Petersburg

HW~ Quick reading on Assassination of Abraham Lincoln  DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Critically read The Lost Cause  for MONDAY

10/23 Classics

In-class~ Goddesses Socratic Seminar and debrief

HW~ None

10/22 IB HL 2

In-class~ International Reponse to German and Italian Aggression jigsaw share and BT construction using historical concepts.

HW~ Context to Japanese Expansion DUE FRIDAY

10/22 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on Lincoln and Emancipation, Paper 3 group outline on Emancipation Proclamation


10/21 IB HL 2

In-class~ International Response to German and Italian Expansion partner research

HW~ Finish research by TOMORROW

10/21 Classics

In-class~Artemis discussion with focus on Triple Goddess, Athena reading and analysis questions 

HW~ Goddesses Socratic Seminar WEDNESDAY

Soc Sem Prep Ideas
Motifs, Themes, & Archetypes
Polarity & Duality
Anthropomorphism  vs. Deification
Comparative Analysis (1st generation, modern, etc.)

10/21 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Behind the Lines reading quiz and discussion, Discussion on Gettysburg and Vicksburg

HW~ Zinn on Emancipation & Civil War pdf text 311-313 DUE TOMORROW

10/18 IB HL 2

In-class~ Early Italian Expansion quiz and discussion

HW~ None

10/18 Classics

In-class~ Aphrodite jigsaw share and discussion, work time for Artemis guided reading (pg 220)

HW~ Finish Artemis guided reading research 

10/18 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Graded discussion on Civil War with debrief

HW~ Civil War pdf text pg. 304-311 DUE MONDAY

10/17 IB HL 2

In-class~ Italy context tabletop, partner practice paper 1

HW~ Italian expansion reading due tomorrow

10/17 Classics

In-class~ Aphrodite quiz and discussion, Aphrodite jigsaw read

HW~ Finish jigsaw read if not done in class

10/17 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Intro to Paper 3

HW~ Civil War pdf text pg. 295-304 DUE TOMORROW (Print chapter, but take separate notes)

Upcoming~ Civil War pdf text pg. 304-311 DUE MONDAY

10/15 IB HL 2

In-class~ Graded discussion on German Expansion 1937-1939

HW~ Cambridge 106-112 (Italian Fascism) & 121-124 (Effects of fascist economy) DUE THURSDAY

Upcoming~ Cambridge 151-158 DUE FRIDAY

10/15 Classics

In-class~ Intro to 2nd Generation & Polarity Diagram

HW~ Classical Mythology (brown) 197-205 DUE THURSDAY (Hand-written open note quiz)

10/15 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Road to Civil War Part 2 Timeline review

HW~ Civil War pdf text pg. 295-304 DUE FRIDAY (NOT THURSDAY) (Print chapter, but take separate notes)

Upcoming~ Civil War pdf text pg. 304-311 DUE MONDAY

Optional Huck/Slavery Integrated Socratic Seminar Prep 

10/11 IB HL 2

In-class~ Current Events Paper 1 skills practice

HW~ Germany Expansion 1937-1940 reading DUE TUESDAY

10/11 Classics

In-class~ First Generation Olympians Exam

HW~ None...enjoy your long weekend!

10/11 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Road to Civil War timeline part 1 tabletop discussion and debrief, library work time for part 2 of timeline

HW~ Finish timeline for TUESDAY

10/10 IB HL 2

In-class~ German Expansion 1933-36 document quiz and quick discussion

HW~ German Expansion 1937-1940 reading DUE TUESDAY

10/10 Classics

In-class~ Hestia review and study time

HW~ Study for First Generation Olympian Exam

10/10 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished Evolution of Racism discussion, quick lecture on Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War

HW~ Part 1 of Civil War Timeline DUE TOMORROW

10/9 Classics

In-class~ Finished Hades documentary, ppt on Poseidon

HW~ Study for FRIDAYS'S exam REVIEW (with relevant ppt slides from unit)

10/8 IB HL 2

In-class~ Context review on German/Hitler Foreign Policy, reading (156-158) with Paper 1 skills practice

HW~ Finish reading (159-163) DUE THURSDAY

10/8 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Graded discussion on Slavery/Abolition/Race readings, Evolution of Racism lecture

HW~ None due Wednesday or Thursday

Upcoming~ Road to Civil War Timeline PART 1 DUE FRIDAY 

10/7 IB HL 2

In-class~ Intro to Paper 1 with practice

HW~ None

10/7 Classics

In-class~ Demeter and Persephone debrief/discussion, started Hades documentary

HW~ None

10/7 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Africans In America: Judgment Day documentary with quick debrief

HW~ Print and critically read Abolition/Slavery documents for TOMORROW

10/4 IB HL 2

In-class~ Hitler Domestic Paper 2 Exam

HW~ None

10/4 Classics

In-class~ Demeter Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

10/4 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Constitution/Reform Quiz, brief intro to Civil War unit

HW~ Print and critically read Abolition/Slavery documents for TUESDAY

Civil War IB Unit Syllabus 

10/3 IB HL 2

In-class~  Prep for Hitler Domestic Paper 2

HW~ FRIDAY Study Guide & Command Terms

Hitler Texts- Spielvogel , Oxford 4.3, Oxford 4.2 , Oxford 4.1, Hitler Ideas

10/3 Classics

In-class~  Demeter Socratic Seminar  prep

HW~  Demeter Socratic Seminar  TOMORROW

Chapter 14 of Classical Mythology
Demeter and Persephone from World Mythology

10/3 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished Jackson discussion, brief discussion on early women's rights

HW~ Constitution Contextual Exam TOMORROW

10/2 Classics

In-class~ Zeus's Loves discussion, assigned Demeter Socratic Seminar 

HW~ Prep for Demeter Socratic Seminar 

Chapter 14 of Classical Mythology
Demeter and Persephone from World Mythology

10/1 IB HL 2

In-class~ Hitler Domestic Socratic Seminar and debrief, gave additional historiography 

HW~ Prep for Hitler Domestic Paper 2 FRIDAY Study Guide & Command Terms

10/1 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Constitutional Crises Jigsaw Lessons and debrief

HW~ Zinn Ch. 6 Women Primary Docs  DUE THURSDAY, Constitution Contextual Exam FRIDAY

9/30 IB HL 2

In-class~ Socratic Seminar Prep time

Socratic Seminar Sources -Spielvogel , Oxford, Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust site (explore more than front page)

HW~ Finish prep for TOMORROW'S Socratic Seminar

Upcoming~ Hitler Domestic Paper 2 FRIDAY Study Guide & Command Terms

9/30 Classics

In-class~ Finished Clash of the Gods: Zeus , read Zeus's Lovers myths 

HW~ Zeus's Lovers research DUE WEDNESDAY

9/30 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Introduced the Era of Reform, Presidents documentary with quick discussion

HW~ Constitutional Crises Project  ,

Upcoming~ Zinn Ch. 6 Women Primary Docs  DUE THURSDAY, Constitution Contextual Exam FRIDAY

9/27 IB HL 2

In-class- Table top on Holocaust reading, discussion on Holocaust denial

HW~  Socratic Seminar Prep

Upcoming Schedule 

Socratic Seminar Sources -Spielvogel , Oxford, Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust site (explore more than front page)

9/27 Classics

In-class~ Clash of the Gods: Zeus documentary with quick discussion

HW~ None

9/27 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Library work period for Constitutional Crises Project 

HW~ Free weekend or get ahead

Upcoming~ Constitutional Crises Project  TUESDAY , Zinn Ch. 6 Women Primary Docs  DUE THURSDAY

9/26 IB HL 2

In-class~ Discussion on Religious Opposition to Nazis, tabletop on HW reading

HW~ Start Socratic Seminar Prep

Upcoming Schedule 

Socratic Seminar Sources -Spielvogel , Oxford, Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust site (explore more than front page)

9/26 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Chart Quiz, Intro to 1st Generations Olympian Unit

HW~ None

9/26 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finished Bill of Rights discussion, discussion on emergence of political parties, assigned Constitutional Crises Project 

HW~ Research for Constitutional Crises Project 

9/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished Olympian Presentations

HW~ Study for TOMORROW'S Olympian Chart Quiz

9/24 IB HL 2

In-class~ Discussion on Military Opposition and Treatment, tabletop of Propaganda reading


Upcoming Schedule 

Socratic Seminar Sources -Spielvogel , Oxford, Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust site (explore more than front page)

9/24 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Bill of Rights discussion (Amendments 1-4)

HW~ None

9/23 IB HL 2

In-class~ Lecture on Opposition to Nazi State

HW~ 202-206 (Start at Propaganda on 202, end before Foreign Powers on 206)

9/23 Classics

In-class~ Olympian Presentations

HW~ Email me Olympians Presentations by Wednesday

9/23 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Constitution discussion

HW~ None

9/20 IB HL 2

In-class~ Quiz over 183-193, discussion mindmap on Hitler

HW~ None

9/20 Classics

In-class~ Olympians project work time

HW~ Finish projects

9/20 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on Constitution

HW~ None

9/19 IB HL 2

In-class~ Hitler documentary with discussion

 HW~ 183-193 DUE TOMORROW 

9/19 Classics

In-class~ Library work period for Olympians project

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Presentations start MONDAY

9/19 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Colonial/Revolutionary quiz, quick discussion on failure of Articles of the Confederation

HW~ Constitution Scavenger Hunt

9/18 Classics

In-class~ Origins culminating quiz, assigned Olympians partner project


Upcoming~ Olympian presentations start MONDAY

9/18 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Finish Revolution with more Liberty: The World Turned Upside Down documentary and discussion

HW~ Study for tomorrow's culminating Colonial/Revolutionary quiz

9/17 IB HL 2

In-class~ Emergence of Nazi State jigsaw with debrief, looked at Paper 2 prompts

HW~ 183-193 DUE FRIDAY 

9/17 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on Zinn reading and historiographic perspective, watched part of Liberty: The World Turned Upside Down with discussion

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Colonial/Revolution culminating quiz THURSDAY (study guide)

9/16 IB HL 2

In-class~ Discussion on revisiting the IA, work time for Emergence of Nazi State Jigsaw  (reading for jigsaw)

HW~ Finish ppt slides for jigsaw TOMORROW

9/16 Classics

In-class~ Read Noah's Ark, group visual activity on Flood plot lines, quick discussion on flood myths

HW~ Study for Origins quiz on WEDNESDAY (Study Guide)

9/16 IB 11th Block

In-class~ T&S quiz, discussion on Nature of Revolutionary War, watched part of Liberty documentary

HW~ Zinn Chapter 5

Upcoming~ Colonial/Revolution culminating quiz THURSDAY (study guide)

9/13 IB HL 2

In-class~ Historical concept discussion on Weimar Republic, read NSDAP 25 point programme

HW~ None

9/13 Classics

In-class~ Adam & Eve quiz, read The Ages of Man

HW~ Read The Flood Cycle (pg 21-25 in World Mythology)

9/13 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Road to Revolution Jigsaw and debrief

HW~ T&S 231-243 DUE MONDAY

9/12 IB HL 2

In-class~ Hitler quiz and discussion

HW~ Authoritarian States: Hitler pg. 164-171  (Stop before 25-point) DUE TOMORROW

9/12 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Prometheus and Pandora, reading time for Genesis 2-3

HW~ Finish Genesis  reading if not done in class

9/12 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussed legacy of New England and Middle colonies, tabletop of HW reading, quick discussion on French and Indian War and the origin of tensions between British and Colonists.

HW~ Road to Revolution timeline JIGSAW due tomorrow

Upcoming~ T&S 231-243 DUE MONDAY

9/11 Classics

In-class~ Finished debrief analysis of The Creation of the Titans and Gods, read Prometheus and Pandora

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class.

9/10 IB HL 2

In-class~ Graded discussion on Rise of Fascism, intro to Authoritarian States Paper 2 content with Hitler brainstorm, reading time for Hitler: the man and his ideas

HW~ Finish Hitler:the man and his ideas for THURSDAY'S open note quiz (only if handwritten)

9/10 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on Social Structures of Northern and Southern colonies, introduction to the Social Hysteria Model tied to the Salem Witch trials.


9/9 IB HL 2

In-class~ Tabletop discussion on fascism, reading time for Rise of Fascism reading packet

HW~ Finish Rise of Fascism reading for tomorrow

9/9 Classics

In-class~ Finished Intro to Mythology, read The Creation of the Titans and the Gods and started discussion

HW~ None

9/9 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Introduction of New England colonies (Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay)

HW~ Tindall & Shi 117-129 DUE TUESDAY

Upcoming~ T&S 162-170 DUE THURSDAY

9/6 IB HL 2

In-class~ Treaty of Versailles historiography and discussion

HW~ None

9/6 Classics

In-class~ More Intro to Mythology

HW~ None

9/6 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Discussion on the study of history, History & historiography, intro to British colonization

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Tindall & Shi 117-129 DUE TUESDAY

9/5 IB HL 2

In- class- Review and discussion on the Treaty of Versailles

HW~ None

9/5 Classics

In-class~ Pictures, brief start to Intro to Mythology

HW~ None

9/5 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Pictures, books, discussion on American values and perceptions

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Tindall & Shi 117-129 DUE TUESDAY

9/4 IB HL 2

In-class~ Intro to IB History HL 2

HW~ Get syllabus signed

9/4 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Classics course

HW~ Get syllabus signed

9/4 IB 11th Block

In-class~ Intro to IB Block

HW~ Get syllabus from Shafer's website signed

6/18 IB Block

In-class~ Looked at Paper 3 Prompts , library time for Contemporary Cultural Literacy Project

HW~ Contemporary Cultural Literacy Project Presentations start TOMORROW.


6/17 IB Block

In-class~ Looked at Paper 3 Prompts , discussion of Obama Administration and 2016 Election



6/12 IB Block

In-class~ Jon Stewert on 9/ll Responders Bill, Election of 2008, assigned Contemporary Cultural Literacy Project 

HW~ Form groups and choose topics for Literacy Project by Friday, EC Experience Seattle Project DUE FRIDAY


6/7 IB Block

In-class- Finished 90s and Election of 2000

HW~ Study for Monday's Quest

Upcoming~ T&S 1446-1457 DUE TUESDAY (Last T&S of the year!!!)


5/28 Classics

In-class~  The Mists of Avalon 

HW~ Final prep

Upcoming~ King Arthur/Mists of Avalon Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

5/28 IB Block

In-class~ Assigned Clinton Friday Jigsaw prep & 90s Museum, discussed 1992 Election

HW~ Clinton Friday Jigsaw Research & 90s Museum

5/24 Classics

In-class~  The Mists of Avalon 

HW~ Final prep

5/24 IB Block

In-class~ 80s Culture

HW~ None

5/23 Classics

In-class~  The Mists of Avalon 

HW~ Final topic DUE BY FRIDAY

5/23 IB Block

In-class~ Reagan Thursday

HW~ None

5/22 Classics

In-class~  Final work period

HW~ Final topic DUE BY FRIDAY

5/22 IB Block

In-class~ Social Issues in the 80s

HW~ Reagan Thursday prep

5/21 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Final, started The Mists of Avalon 

HW~ Final topic DUE BY FRIDAY

5/21 IB Block

In-class~  Controversial Issues of the 70s

HW~ Prep for Reagan Thursday (T&S Chapter 36)

5/20 IB Block

In-class~ 70s Lessons grading and debrief, started discussion on Controversial Issues of the 70s

HW~ Prep for Reagan Thursday (T&S Chapter 36)

5/17 Classics

In-class~ King Arthur reading quiz and Mind Map Discussion

HW~ None

5/17 IB Block

In-class~ 70s Lessons (GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!)

HW~ None due Monday

Upcoming~ Chapter 36 of T&S for Reagan Thursday 5/23 (More than one night of reading)

5/16 Classics

In-class~ Read and discussed more of OFK, read Chapter 4 & 5 304-313) with discussion

HW~ Finish King Arthur (313-323) in World Mythology book

5/16 IB Block

In-class~ Nixon debrief discussion

HW~ 70s Lessons TOMORROW

5/15 Classics

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on King Arthur Prologue-Chapter 3, OFK excerpt

HW~ OFK reading if not done in class

5/15 IB Block

In-class~ Nixon Wednesday

Upcoming~ 70s Lessons will start on Friday


Experience Seattle Project

5/14 Classics

In-class~ Finished brief Arthurian Intro, reading time for World Mythology 292-304

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class QUIZ TOMORROW

5/14 IB Block

In-class~ 70s Jigsaw Lessons work period

HW~ Nixon Wednesday Activity Prep  & (US vs. Nixon reading) for WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ 70s Lessons on Friday

Experience Seattle EC Project 



5/13 Classics

In-class~ Finished Monty Python, briefly started Arthurian Legend intro

HW~ None

5/13 IB Block

In-class~ Previewed remainder of year, assign Nixon Wednesday & 70s Jigsaw Lessons

HW~ Nixon Wednesday Activity Prep  & (US vs. Nixon reading) for WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ 70s Lessons on Friday

Experience Seattle EC Project 



5/10 Classics

In-class~ Monty Python and the Holy Grail 

HW~ None

5/10 IB Block

In-class~ 60s double Paper 3

HW~ None

5/6-5/9 Classics

In-class~ Faerie Tale Theatre Presentations

HW~ None

5/6-5/9 IB Block

In-class~ Mon. Finished Counterculture Music, Tues. Activism Soc. Sem., Wed. 60s Museum, Thu. Paper 3 Prep


Vietnam Historiographical Schools  

5/3 Classics

In-class~ Faerie Tale Theatre Analysis Presentations  work period

HW~ Presentations start on Monday

5/3 IB Block

In-class~ Counterculture & started music as a manifestation of counterculture

HW~ TWO WEEK SCHEDULE Activism SS prep Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar ChavezWounded Knee 1973The Trial of Leonard PeltierStop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism


5/2 Classics

In-class~ Faerie Tale Presentation work period

HW~ Presentations start Monday

5/2 IB Block

In-class~ Work period

HW~ TWO WEEK SCHEDULE Activism SS prep Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar ChavezWounded Knee 1973The Trial of Leonard PeltierStop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism

5/1 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Faerie Tale Theatre Analysis Presentations 

HW~ Presentations start on Monday

5/1 IB Block

In-class~ Assigned 60s Museum, started 60s Culture/Counterculture

HW~ TWO WEEK SCHEDULE Activism SS prep Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar ChavezWounded Knee 1973The Trial of Leonard PeltierStop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism

4/30 Classics

In-class~ Norse/LotR Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

4/30 IB Block

In-class~ Lessons of Vietnam quiz and discussion, Vietnam Historiographical Schools  

HW~ TWO WEEK SCHEDULE,  Activism SS prep Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar ChavezWounded Knee 1973The Trial of Leonard PeltierStop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism

4/29 Classics

In-class~ Finished LotR: Fellowship, prep time

HW~ Prep for TOMORROW'S Socratic Seminar 

4/29 IB Block

In-class~ Finished 1968, discussed protest and draft, TWO WEEK SCHEDULE

HW~ McNamara's Lessons of Vietnam DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Activism SS prep Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar ChavezWounded Knee 1973The Trial of Leonard PeltierStop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism

4/26 Classics

In-class~ LotR: Fellowship with discussion

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Sigurd/LotR Socratic Seminar TUESDAY

4/26 IB Block

 In-class~ Continued 1968 with documentary and Bobby film and speech

HW~ A Nation Divided & T&S 1357-1364 DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~ McNamara's Lessons of Vietnam DUE TUESDAY

4/25 Classics

In-class~ LotR: Fellowship of the Ring 

HW~ None

Upcoming- Sigurd the Volsung/Lord of the Rings Socratic Seminar TUESDAY

4/25 IB Block

 In-class~ Debrief on Vietnam discussion, Zippo perspectives, started 1968 with timeline and documentary

HW~ A Nation Divided & T&S 1357-1364 DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~ McNamara's Lessons of Vietnam DUE TUESDAY

4/24 Classics

In-class~ LotR: Fellowship of the Ring 

HW~ None

4/24 IB Block

In-class~ Vietnam graded discussion

HW~ None

4/23 Classics

In-class~ Sigurd final discussion, intro to Tolkien, started The Fellowship of the Ring 

HW~ None

4/23 IB Block

In-class~ Vietnam: A Television History documentary

HW~ My Lai readings DUE TOMORROW

4/22 Classics

In-class~ Finished Sigurd the Volsung with analysis questions 

HW~ Finish analysis questions (If done well, no reading check tomorrow.)

4/22 IB Block

In-class~ IA DUE, Vietnam Overview (phases, nature of war, new weaponry, etc.)

HW~  My Lai readings Into the DarkCourt MartialHeroes of My Lai DUE WEDNESDAY

Don't forget to submit your IA to turnitin.com! 

4/19 Classics

In-class~ Sigurd 1-4 quiz and discussion, discussion on love triangles

HW~ None

4/19 IB Block

In-class~ Civil Rights Quiz, Final IA Reminders 

HW~ IA DUE MONDAY (hardcopy in class, turnitin.com by 11:59 Monday)

Upcoming~ My Lai readings Into the DarkCourt MartialHeroes of My Lai DUE WEDNESDAY 

4/18 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Sigurd the Volsung, read Chapters 1-4 (WM 228-242)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class--QUIZ TOMORROW

4/18 IB Block

In-class~ Escalation of Vietnam Structured Academic Controversy

HW~ Study for Civil Rights Quiz (Use timeline for study guide) TOMORROW

Upcoming~ IA Final DUE MONDAY

4/17 Classics

In-class~ Revelation/Ragnarok Comparative Timed Write

HW~ None

4/17 IB Block

In-class~ IA Rough Draft Peer Edit (information on Criterion C) 

HW~ Prep for Structured Academic Controversy if not already done

4/5 Classics

In-class~ Yggdrasil Day!!!

HW~ Have a great Spring Break!

4/5 IB Block

In-class~ IA Source Evaluation peer edit, more Civil Rights Timeline

HW~ Have a great Spring Break!!!!!

Upcoming~ IA FULL Rough Draft due TUESDAY 4/16 @11:59 to turnitin.com (hard copy the next day in class)

4/4 Classics

In-class~ Death of Baldur graded discussion

HW~ Yggdrasil visual DUE TOMORROW

4/4 IB Block

In-class~ Civil Rights Timeline with presentations

HW~ None

4/3 Classics

In-class~ Thefts of Idun's Apples quiz, discussion on Evolution of Loki, reading time for The Death of Baldur

HW~ Finish reading for tomorrow's graded discussion

Upcoming~ Yggdrasil Visual DUE FRIDAY

4/3 IB Block

In-class~  Civil Rights Timeline with presentations

HW~  IA Criterion A DUE TOMORROW (hard copy in class, turnitin.com by 11:59)

4/2 Classics

In-class~ Quick discussion on Norse Gods chart, read The Theft of Thor's Hammer (pg, 224) & The Theft of Idun's Apples (pg. 214)

HW~ Finish Theft myths if not done in class.

4/2 IB Block

In-class~  Civil Rights Timeline with presentations

HW~  IA Criterion A DUE THURSDAY (hard copy in class, turnitin.com by 11:59)

4/1 Classics

In-class~ Norse Gods chart research

HW~ Finish chart

4/1 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed IA Criterion A, started Civil Rights Timeline with presentations

HW~ Letter from Birmingham Jail reading with LANGUAGE & OPCVL lenses

Upcoming~ Criterion A Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY

3/29 Classics

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on Norse Cosmogony, assigned Yggdrasil visual 

HW~ None

3/29 IB Block

In-class~ IA Peer Edit, Civil Right Presentation work time

HW~ IA, Civil Right Presentations

3/28 Classics

In-class- Norse Cosmology visual notes (Yggdrasil)

HW- Norse Comogony myth (208-213) DUE TOMORROW

3/28 IB Block

In-class- Civil Rights work period

HW- IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE TOMORROW (hard copy, research ? on top, full citations and Works Cired)

3/27 Classics

In-class~ Quick final discussion of Aeneid, started Intro to Norse Mythology

HW~ Odyssey Film Project DUE TOMORROW

3/27 IB Block

In-class~ Election of 1964 and LBJ's Great Society

HW~ Civil Right Group Presentations

Upcoming~ IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE FRIDAY

3/26 Classics

in-class- Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW- Finish The Aeneid (ch. 7) for TOMORROW

3/25 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar library time

HW~  Afterlife Socratic Seminar MIDTERM TUESDAY

3/25 IB Block

In-class~ Road to Camelot reading and watched Kennedy's Inaugural Address

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ T&S 1317-1325 DUE WEDNESDAY, IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE FRIDAY

3/21 Classics

In-class~ Finished reading The Aeneid Bk. 5 with discussion, assigned Afterlife Socratic Seminar MIDTERM with work time

HW~  Afterlife Socratic Seminar MIDTERM TUESDAY (Class time is NOT sufficient for covering the expected readings and research)

3/21 IB Block

In-class~Cuba Socratic Seminar

HW~ IA 4-Level Outline DUE TOMORROW @ 11:59 pm

3/20 Classics

In-class~ Graded Discussion on The Aeneid , read part of Chapter 5

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar MIDTERM MONDAY

3/20 IB Block

In-class~~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315) & IA 4-Level Outline worktime

HW~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315)  TOMORROW
IA 4-Level Outline DUE FRIDAY 3/22 @ 11:59 pm

3/19 Classics

In-class~ Odyssey Exam, quick intro to The Aeneid 

HW~ World Mythology 119-133 (Aeneid Ch. 1-4)  DUE TOMORROW

3/19 IB Block

In-class~~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315) & IA 4-Level Outline worktime

HW~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315)  THURSDAY 3/21
IA 4-Level Outline DUE FRIDAY 3/22 @ 11:59 pm

3/18 Classics

In-class~ Finished O'Brother, discussed tomorrow's exam

HW~ Study for Odyssey exam (FOCUS: motif, theme, archetype, characterization, obstacles of Odysseus, & the Homeric Hero)

REMEMBER Odyssey film project, DUE 3/28

3/18 IB Block

In-class~~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315) & IA 4-Level Outline worktime

HW~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4 + T&S 1312-1315)  THURSDAY 3/21
IA 4-Level Outline DUE FRIDAY 3/22 @ 11:59 pm

3/15 Classics

In-class~ O'Brother Where Art Thou 


REMEMBER Odyssey film project, DUE 3/28

3/15 IB Block

In-class~ 50s film and television

HW~ IA Annotated Bibliography DUE @ 11:59

Upcoming~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4)  THURSDAY 3/21
IA 4-Level Outline DUE FRIDAY 3/22 @ 11:59 pm

3/14 Classics

In-class~ Final Odyssey discussion, assigned Odyssey film project, started O'Brother Where Art Thou 

HW~ None

3/14 IB Block

In-class~ 50s Paper 3 Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk

HW~ Annotated Bibliography DUE TOMORROW by 11:59

3/13 Classics

In-class~ Motifs and Themes of The Odyssey group activity

HW~ Classical Mythology 537-543 DUE TOMORROW 

3/13 IB Block

In-class~ Nonconformity by Choice and Circumstance discussion

HW~ 50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar  Practice Prompts THURSDAY 3/14

Upcoming - IA Annotated Bib  DUE FRIDAY 3/15 to turnitin.com ONLY

3/12 Classics

In-class~ Finished Homer's Book of the Dead (Bk XI of this), reading time to finish The Odyssey (pg 93-109 in World Mythology book)

HW~ Finish the Odyssey (pg. 93-109 World Mythology books)  OPEN NOTE QUIZ TOMORROW

3/12 IB Block UPDATE

In-class~ Pleasantville discussion, started Nonconformity by Choice and Circumstance discussion


Upcoming - 50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar  THURSDAY 3/14
IA Annotated Bib  DUE FRIDAY 3/15 to turnitin.com ONLY

3/11 Classics

In-class~ Finished Bk IX & X Storyboards, started Bk. XI together

HW~ None

3/11 IB Block

In-class~ Pleasantville

HW~ The Other America reading DUE WEDNESDAY 3/13

Upcoming - 50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar  THURSDAY 3/14
IA Annotated Bib  DUE FRIDAY 3/15 to turnitin.com ONLY

3/8 Classics

In-class~ Bk IX & X quiz and storyboard

HW~ None

3/8 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on 50s Suburban conformity

HW~ None

3/7 Classics

In-class- Black V & VI quote analysis on women, comparative analysis of 2 female characters, reading time for Bk. IX & X

HW- Bk. IX & X (open note quiz tomorrow)

3/7 IB Block

In-class- Discussion on new American Economy.

HW- IA 2-level outline (Research ?, Working Thesis, 3 BTS, and Big Facts) DUE TOMORROW

3/6 Classics

In-class- Summary of Bks. III & IV, reading time for V & VI

HW- Finish reading V & VI

3/6 IB Block

In-class- Discussion on Eisenhower domestic policy.

HW- None

Upcoming- IA 2-level outline DUR FRIDAY

3/5 Classics

In-class~ The Odyssey Bk. I & II quiz and discussion

HW~ None


3/5 IB Block

In-class~ Library IA research time

HW~ Oxford 298-302 & T& S pg.1270 & pg.1273 (Just individual sections that start on each of those pages) DUE TOMORROW

3/4 Classics

In-class~ Cost of war Reflection & Intro to Odyssey 

HW~ Read the first two books of The Odyssey. open note quiz tomorrow, also prepare 3 discussion questions for tomorrow

3/4 IB Block

In-class~ Registration discussion, finished Eisenhower foreign policy

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Oxford 298-302 & T& S pg.1270 & pg.1273 (Just individual sections that start on each of those pages) DUE WEDNESDAY

3/1 Classics

In-class~ Iliad Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk

HW~ None

3/1 IB Block

In-class~ Eisenhower's Foreign policy discussion

HW~ None

2/28 Classics

In-class~ Final discussion of Troy, work time for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk

HW~  Start prep for FRIDAY'S Socratic Seminar 

2/28 IB Block

In-class~ Formally assigned Internal Assessment, quick tabletop on Eisenhower Cold War Policy

HW~ Iran reading DUE TOMORROW 

2/27 Classics

In-class~ Troy 

HW~  Start prep for FRIDAY'S Socratic Seminar 

2/27 IB Block

In-class~ Library research time for IA topics

HW~ Oxford 384-390 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ IA Topics must be confirmed/approved by FRIDAY

2/26 Classics

In-class~ Troy

HW~ None

2/26 IB Block

In-class~ McCarthyism Paper 3 group outline

HW~ None

2/25 Classics

In-class~ Group refresher of The Iliad, more Troy

HW~ None

Upcoming Iliad/Troy Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk FRIDAY 

2/25 IB Block

In-class~ Graded Discussion on McCarthyism, discussion on role of media and tipping point of hysteria.

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Specified IA topics should be approved by Friday


Just a reminder that your 5 potential IA topics are due tomorrow. These are just options that I will give feedback on. As a reminder, they should be 20th Century Americas topics that can be narrowed down to a specific research question. (That will come later.)

Hope you all had a great break.


Hey all! Hope you are enjoying the snow and staying warm. Here are the adjustments to the upcoming calendar...

HW- Espionage Case readings &  Oxford 365-373 DUE THURSDAY, McCarthyism/Red Scare Socratic Seminar will be folded into the Paper 3 Socratic Seminar later in the unit.

Upcoming- We will intro the IA FRIDAY.

2/08 IB Block

In-class- Finished KoreanWar

HW- Espionage Case readings DUE TUESDAY

2/7 Classics

In-class- Finished Patroclus death infographic, reading time to finish The Iliad

HW- Finish the Iliad

2/1 IB Block

In-class~ Quiz and Tabletop on HW reading

HW~  Korean War Reading 

1/31 Classics

In-class~ Iliad 1-2 discussion, Helen primary source excerpts, reading time

HW~ Iliad 3 & 4 DUE TOMORROW

1/30 Classics

In-class~ Finished Intro to The Iliad, reading time for Chapter 1-2 (World Mythology 48-55)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

1/30 IB Block

In-class~ T&S 1206-1220 discussion

Upcoming~ T&S 1220-1228 & Weapons Race reading DUE FRIDAY

1/29 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Homeric Cycle

HW~ None

1/29 IB Block

In-class~ Intro to 1950s/Cold War Unit

HW~ T&S 1206-1220 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ T&S 1220-1228 & Weapons Race reading DUE FRIDAY

1/22 Classics

In-class~ Final presentations

HW~ Prep for Final Visual, review for final exam (motifs, themes, archetypes, open comparative)

1/22 IB Block

In-class~ Looked at WWII Prompts and review time


1/18 Classics

In-class~ Film Presentations

HW~ Prep for Final Visual, review for final exam (motifs, themes, archetypes, open comparative)

1/18 IB Block

In-class~ Finish discussion on A-Bomb and Aftermath of War


1/17 Classics

In-class~ Film Presentations

HW~ None

1/17 IB Block

In-class~ A-Bomb discussion

HW~ None


1/16 Classics

In-class~ Film Presentations, assigned final visual

HW~ None

1/16 IB Block

In-class~ Reading and discussion on Potsdam Conference and Declaration

HW~ None

1/15 Classics

In-class- Film project work time

HW~ Presentations start Wednesday


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