4/21 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 9 Exam, HWP packet turned in

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Jr. Project Film DUE THURSDAY 4/28

4/21 Classics

In-class~ O' Brother Where Art Thou

HW~ Study for Homeric Cycle exam

4/20 American Studies

In-class~ Finish Pop Culture/Conformity Powerpoint

HW~ Study for Unit 9 Exam , compile HWP (List below)

4/20 Classics

In-class~ Odyssey Themes, Outline due

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Homeric Cycle Exam FRIDAY, Rough Drafts DUE TUESDAY

American Studies Unit 9 Homework Packet

  1. Reading Notes 871-881                                                      /10
  2. Rosenberg Reflection                                                         /10
  3. Eisenhower Years Chart (2 stamps)                               /20
  4. The Other America Critical Reading (No Stamp)         /5
                                                                            TOTAL             /45

4/19 American Studies

In-class~ Conformity discussion

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Unit 9 Exam THURSDAY, After school study session WEDNESDAY

4/19 Classics

In-class~ Socratic Seminar debrief, Outlining & Thesis reminders, class time to work

HW~ Finish The Odyssey, Outline DUE TOMORROW

4/18 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Pleasantville, started conformity discussion

HW~ The Other America critical reading, JP Film script

Upcoming~ Unit 9 Exam on Thursday (see study guide below)

4/18 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW~ Bring World Mythology books tomorrow

Upcoming~ Make-up Socratic Seminar Wednesday @ 9:00 (Only available to those who were gone with an excused absence)

American Studies- Unit 9 Review

WWIIàCold War
Cold War
Iron Curtain
Truman Doctrine
United Nations
Partition of Germany
NATO & Warsaw Pact
Weapons Race
Space Race
CIA & Espionage
    U2 Incident
Eisenhower Doctrine
Korean War
    Causes & Outcomes
2ND Red Scare    
Hollywood Ten
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Post War Economy
    GI Bill of Rights
1950s Economic Boom
    Conglomerates & Franchises
Social Conformity
Baby Boom
Life in Suburbia
Mass Media
    Television & Film
    Beat Movement
    Rock & Roll
    Rise of Teenage Culture
    Urban Poor & White Flight
    Urban Renewal
    Rural Poor
    Struggle of Latino Americans
    Struggle of Native Americans


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