2/28 IB HL 2

In-class~ Castro Consolidation tabletop, US/Cuban relations discussion

HW~ Oxford: Cold War pg 123-126 DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~ Cuban Revolution/Castro Socratic Seminar FRIDAY  (Extra Docs. #1, #2, #3 (Domestic Policy REQUIRED), #4, #5)

2/28 Classics

In-class~ Reading time for Bk IX & X and quiz, started Bk. IX & X storyboards

HW~ None

2/28 IB 11th Block SS

In-class~ Eisenhower Foreign Policy quiz and discussion

HW~ None

2/28 IB 11th Block LA

In-class~ 1/2 Political Campaign Presentations, 5/6 work time

HW~ 1/2 None, 5/6 finish Political Campaign Presentation prep

2/27 IB HL 2

In-class~ Finished Cuban Revolution documentary with discussion

 HW~ Read Oxford Authoritarian States pg 77-86 for FRIDAY

2/27 Classics

In-class~ Graded Discussion on Odyssey Bk. I-VI, assigned  Bk. IX & X

HW~ Finish at least half of reading for TOMORROW (You will have 25 minutes to finish in class)

2/27 IB 11th Block LA

In-class~ Assigned Campaign Mini Presentation with work time (no work time 5/6)

HW~ Prep for presentations (1/2 will have 20 minutes additional prep, 5/6 will present on Monday)

2/27 IB 11th Block SS

In-class~ 2nd Red Scare/McCarthyism and the Media

HW~ IA  Research Question & 2-Level  & Oxford 384-390 DUE TOMORROW

2/26 Classics

In-class~ Odyssey BK I & II quiz and discussion, summary of BK III & IV, work time for BK V & VI with quote analysis and comparative paragraph

HW~ Finish above if not done in class

2/26 IB 11th Block SS

In-class~ 2nd Red Scare/McCarthyism quiz and discussion, started looking a media's role in hysteria

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ IA  Research Question & 2-Level  & Oxford 384-390 DUE FRIDAY

2/25 IB HL 2

In-class~ Castro context quiz and discussion, Cuba Libre documentary

HW~ Read Oxford Authoritarian States pg 77-86 for FRIDAY

2/25 IB 11th Block LA

In-class~ Emergence of Television, and started TV impact of political campaigns

HW~ Choose a political ad from The Livingroom Candidate for Thursday

2/24 IB HL 2

In-class~ Cold War Culture Paper 2 practice outline

HW~ Oxford Castro/Cuban Revolution context reading pg. 62-69 DUE TOMORROW

2/24 Classics

In-class~ Cost Of War discussion and Intro to Nostos (returns)/Odyssey

HW~ Read the first two books of The Odyssey. open note (hand written) quiz WEDNESDAY

2/24 IB 11th Block SS

In-class~ Assigned full IA , discussed Research Question , intro/context to 2nd Red Scare/McCarthyism

HW~ Espionage Case readings &  Oxford 365-373 DUE WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ IA R? & 2-Level DUE FRIDAY


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