12/18 Classics

In-class~ Work period for FINAL PAPER

HW~ Work on paper



12/18 IB Block

In-class~ Great Depression Paper 3

HW~ None

12/17 Classics

In-class~ Rough Draft peer edit


12/17 IB Block

In-class~ Finish Art and Cultures during Depression

HW~ Study for Exam

12/14 Classics

In-class~ Work period for paper

HW~ Rough Draft DUE MONDAY

12/14 IB Block

In-class~ Arts and Culture during the Great Depression

HW~ Links for Great Depression perspective exploration for Exam (YOUR CHOICE)

12/13 Classics

In-class~ Assigned paper with work time 

HW~ Work on paper

Upcoming~ Rough Draft DUE MONDAY

12/13 IB Block

In-class~ Legacy of Great Depression & New Deal, 1/2 looked at Paper 3 prompts

HW~ Links for Great Depression perspective exploration for Exam (YOUR CHOICE)

12/12 IB BLock 1/2 ONLY

In-class~ Long term Legacy of New Deal and FDR

HW~ Oxford 177-179 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression  DUE THURSDAT

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration for Friday (YOUR CHOICE)

12/11 Classics

In-class~ Medea Socratic Seminar

HW~ None


12/11 IB Block

In-class~ Brazilian Great Depression quiz, discussion on Vargas's consolidation of power

HW~   Oxford 177-179 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression  DUE THURSDAY

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration for Friday (YOUR CHOICE)

12/10 Classics

In-class~ Finished Medea 

HW~ Prep for TOMORROW'S Medea Socratic Seminar  (SS Ideas)

Additional prep ideas ~ Why Do Moms Kill Their Children? (Washington Post)32 Years of U.S. Filicide Arrests (Brown University),

Additional research ideas ~ Diane Downs, Susan Smith, Andrea Yates

12/10 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed Economic/Political spectrum, graded discussion on Canadian response to the Great Depression with comparative focus.

HW~  Oxford 165-175 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~  Oxford 177-179 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression  DUE THURSDAY

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration for Friday

12/07 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Medea from yesterday with special focus on gender role depiction and tone, read Medea 228-233

HW~ Start prep for TUESDAY'S Medea Socratic Seminar  (SS Ideas)

Additional prep ideas ~ Why Do Moms Kill Their Children? (Washington Post)32 Years of U.S. Filicide Arrests (Brown University),

Additional research ideas ~ Diane Downs, Susan Smith, Andrea Yates

12/07 IB Block

In-class~ New Deal Structured Academic Controversy

HW~ Oxford 150-158 DUE MONDAY

12/06 Classics

In-class~ Small group reading and discussion on Medea 216-228

HW~ None

12/06 IB Block

In-class~ New Deal research for Structured Academic Controversy

HW~ Finish prep for SAC

12/05 Classics

In-class~ Quick discussion on Jason, Intro to Medea, read Medea 214-216

HW~ None


12/05 IB Block

In-class~ New Deal quiz and brief discussion

HW~ Oxford 146-149 & New Deal Historiography DUE TOMORROW

TOMORROW~ Library research for other OUTSIDE perspectives on New Deal (You will get a guidance sheet in class)

FRIDAY- Structured Academic Controversy

12/04 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus Socratic Seminar

HW~ Take notes on Classical Mythology 618-627 (Stop at Corinth)

11/30 Classics

In-class- Finished Oedipus

11/30 IB Block

In-class- Reviewed Causes of the Great Depression

HW- Oxford 130-134 & Hoover's Rugged Individualism speech DUE MONDAY (won’t be used until Tuesday)

Upcoming- Oxford 135-145 DUE WEDNESDAY (pretty long, don’t put it off)

11/29 IB Block

In-class~ Harlem Renaissance and Cultural Appreciation vs Appropriation discussion, Leisure and Celebrity in the 20s ppt.

HW~  Causes of the Great Depression DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Oxford 130-134 & Hoover's Rugged Individualism speech DUE MONDAY

11/28 Classics

In-class~ Oedipus the King (3rd- 138-148, 4th 133-144)

HW~ None

Midsummer EC ?s

1. What elements from the play are pulled directly out of mythology? (Motifs, Themes, etc.)

2. Compare the use of irony in Midsummer to its use in Oedipus.

3. Review the play. What was your favorite aspect? What would you have done differently? Did you enjoy it?

11/28 IB Block

In-class~ Graded Discussion on 20s documents

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Causes of the Great Depression DUE FRIDAY

11/27 Classics

In-class~ Read Oedipus the King  (3rd- 127-138, 4th- 127-133)

HW~ None

11/27 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on Red Scare & Modernity vs. Tradition, reading time for 20s documents

HW~ Finish readings for tomorrow's Graded Discussion

11/26 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Greek Drama reading, quick discussion on Aristotle & Tragedy

HW~ None

11/26 IB Block

In-class~ 20s Century Video  with focus on modernity vs. traditional

HW~ T&S 1018-1019(Red Scare) & 1023-1025 (Nativism) DUE TOMORROW

11/21 Classics

In-class~ Watched Creative Mythology films

HW~ None

11/21 IB Block

In-class~ Contextual Exam

HW~ None

11/19 Classics

In-class~ Finished Clash of the Titans with discussion

HW~ Creative Mythology films DUE TUESDAY

11/19 IB Block

In-class~ Tabletop of US Foreign Policy in Latin America, review of WWI, discussion on American Neutrality and Entrance


Upcoming~ Contextual Unit Quiz ON WEDNESDAY 

11/16 Classics

In-class~ Clash of the Titans with discussion

HW~ Creative Mythology films DUE TUESDAY

11/16 IB Block

In-class~ US Imperialism

HW~ American as a World Power reading DUE MONDAY

11/15 Classics

In-class~ Perseus quiz and discussion, started Clash of the Titans

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology films DUE TUESDAY

11/15 IB Block

In-class~ Progressivism

HW~ Hawaii reading

11/14 Classics

In-class~ Finished Hero Archetype intro, reading time for Perseus (547-556)

HW~ Finish reading for tomorrow's OPEN NOTE reading quiz

11/14 IB Block

In-class~ Native Americans in the Gilded Age

HW~ Lynch Law in America critical reading FOR TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Hawaii Perspectives critical reading FOR FRIDAY

11/6 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Exam

HW~ None

11/6 IB Block

In-class~ Industrial Supremacy documentary, discussion on Capital and Labor

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ T&S 825-837 DUE THURSDAY

11/5 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Creative Mythology Project , Olympian Exam review game

HW~ Study for TOMORROW'S Olympians Exam 

11/5 IB Block

In-class~ Assigned Gilded Age World's Fair with brief work time, brief context on women during the Gilded Age

HW~ The War Between Capital and Labor textbook reading DUE TOMORROW

11/2 Classics

In-class~ Hermes reading check & discussion, revisited the Polarity Chart

HW~ Olympians exam review for TUESDAY 

11/2 IB Block

In-class~ Civil War Paper 3 Exam, Intro to Gilded Age

HW~ None

11/1 Classics

In-class~ Finished the Bacchae with discussion

HW~ Classical Mythology  281-292 DUE TOMORROW

Olympians exam review for TUESDAY 

11/1 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed Fall of Reconstruction and Rise of Jim Crow, read Reconstruction historiography, discussed Paper 3 prompts


10/31 Classics

In-class~ Read from The Bacchae (pg. 302)

HW~ None

10/31 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on reasons for the Fall of Reconstruction


10/30 Classics

In-class~ Graded discussion on Dionysus

HW~ None

10/30 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on Reconstruction


10/29 Classics

In-class~ Apollo/Oracle of Delphi quiz, reading time for Classical Mythology 301-302 & 320-325 (Stop at Pan)

HW~ Finish assigned reading

10/29 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed Congressional Reconstruction and the 14th Amendment



10/26 IB Block

In-class~ Reconstruction Perspective Research and Evaluation

HW~ Finish above if not done in class.

10/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished Apollo Love Myths, read on Nature of Apollo (267-69) with discussion

HW~ For MONDAY, read Classical Mythology 250-256 (Do not skip 254 text box, stop at Cassandra on 256). Open note quiz Monday over reading and tomorrow’s documentary on the Oracle of Delphi

10/25 IB Block

In-class~ The Lost Cause/Confederate Myth in Modern America, started Reconstruction discussion

HW~ None

10/24 Classics

In-class~ Revisited polarity chart with Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, started Apollo Love Myths storytime

HW~ None

10/24 IB Block

In-class~ The Lost Cause discussion

HW~ The Politics of Reconstruction reading (textbook pdf)

10/23 Classics

In-class~ Goddesses Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

10/23 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed final days of Civil War and Lincoln Assassination

HW~ Critically read The Lost Cause 

10/22 Classics

In-class~ Goddesses Socratic Seminar prep period

HW~ Prepare for TOMORROW'S Goddesses Socratic Seminar

10/22 IB Block

In-class~ Paper 3 group outline on Emancipation Proclamation

HW~ CW pdf 313-316 DUE TOMORROW

10/19 Classics

In-class~ Athena reading and analysis questions 

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Goddesses Socratic Seminar TUESDAY

10/19 IB Block

In-class~ Behind the Lines reading quiz and discussion

HW~ Zinn on Emancipation & Civil War pdf text 311-313 DUE MONDAY

10/18 Classics

In-class~ Group read Hippolytus (Classical Mythology 232-243)

HW~ None

10/18 IB Block

In-class~ Graded Discussion (1/2) or Table top (5/6) on Civil War reading with debrief

HW~ CW pdf 304-311

10/17 Classics

In-class~ Artemis discussion with focus on Triple Goddess

HW~ None

10/17 IB Block

In-class~ Introduction and discussion of Paper 3s

HW~ Civil War Textbook Chapter  295-304 DUE TOMORROW (Print chapter, but take separate notes)

Upcoming~ CW Textbook 304-311 DUE FRIDAY


10/16 Classics

In-class~ Aphrodite quiz and discussion, time for Artemis guided Reading/Research (p. 220)

HW~ Finish Artemis guided reading/research for TOMORROW

10/16 IB Block

In-class~ Huck

HW~ Civil War Textbook Chapter  295-304 DUE THURSDAY (Print chapter, but take separate notes)

Upcoming~ CW Textbook 304-311 DUE FRIDAY

10/15 Classics

In-class~ Jigsawed Classical Mythology 192-194 & 194-196 with discussion (Pygmalion & Adonis)

HW~ Finish readings if not done in class

10/12 Classics

In-class~ Intro to 2nd Generation & Polarity Chart, reading time for 197-205

HW~ Classical Mythology (brown) 197-205 DUE MONDAY

10/12 IB Block

In-class~ Integrated Socratic Seminar, timeline review and discussion

HW~ None

10/11 Classics

In-class~ First Generation Olympians Exam

HW~ None

10/11 IB Block

In-class~ Quick discussion on Civil War timeline pt. 1, work time

HW~ Road to Civil War timeline DUE FRIDAY

OPTIONAL Integrated Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet for FRIDAY

10/9 Classics

In-class~ Finished Poseidon's Monster Babies, quick review on Hestia, discussed Thursday's exam

HW~ Study for Thursday's exam REVIEW (with relevant ppt slides from unit)

10/9 IB Block

In-class~ Mexican-American War boardtalk and debrief, assign Road to Civil War timeline

HW~ Road to Civil War timeline PART 1 DUE THURSDAY

OPTIONAL Integrated Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet for FRIDAY

10/5 Classics

In-class~ Finished Hades documentary with discussion, started ppt of Poseidon and his monster babies

HW~ None

10/5 IB Block

In-class~ Graded discussion on Slavery/Abolition readings, Evolution of Racism ppt., quick context on Westward Expansion and Texas Revolution

HW~ T&S 553-561, Mexican Perspective of M-A War, & Excerpt of Zinn Ch. 8 ALL DUE TUESDAY (you need to be prepared for a boardtalk that will go in culminating)

10/3 Classics

In-class~ Demeter Socratic Seminar (Great job!!!)

HW~ None

10/3 IB Block

In-class~ Constitution/Reform Quiz, brief intro to Civil War unit

HW~ Print and critically read Abolition/Slavery documents for FRIDAY

Civil War IB Unit Syllabus 

10/1 Classics

In-class~ Loves of Zeus graded discussion and debrief, assigned Demeter Socratic Seminar

HW~Socratic Seminar WEDNESDAY on Chapter 14 of Classical Mythology and Demeter and Persephone myth in World Mythology 

10/1 IB Block

In-class~ Constitutional Crisis Review and discussion on Legacy of Jackson, Reformers tabletop, started discussion on Women's Rights


Upcoming~ Constitution/Reform Study Guide

9/28 Classics

In-class~ Zeus reading check quiz and discussion, Zeus affair myths

HW~ Be sure to find the additional 3 additional myths

9/28 IB Block

In-class~ Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

HW~ T&S 482-485 & 512-521 DUE MONDAY, Zinn: Ch. 6 DUE TUESDAY

Upcoming~ Constitution/Reform Study Guide

9/27 Classics

In-class~ Zeus documentary with quick discussion

HW~ Classical Mythology (brown) pgs.116-118 & 137-140 DUE FRIDAY

9/27 IB Block

In-class~ Presidents video for context to Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

HW~  Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw TOMORROW

9/26 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Chart quiz

HW~ None

9/26 IB Block

In-class~ Work period for Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

HW~ Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

9/25 Classics

In-class~ Olympian Presentations

HW~ Study for Olympians Chart Quiz TOMORROW

9/25 IB Block

In-class~ Emergence of Political Party ppt., assigned Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

HW~ Work on Constitutional Crisis Jigsaw

9/24 Classics

In-class~ Olympian Presentations

HW~ None

9/24 IB Block

In-class~ Amendments 2-8 discussion

HW~ None

9/21 Classics

In-class~ Olympians work time

HW~ Finish prep for Olympian presentations

9/21 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on Constitutional Compromises, started Bill of Rights discussion

HW~ None

9/20 Classics

In-class~ Olympian work time

HW~ None

9/20 IB Block

In-class~ Constitution discussion

HW~ None

9/19 Classics

In-class~ Origins quiz, assigned Olympian Partner Project

HW~ None

Meet in the Library TOMORROW! 

9/19 IB Block

In-class~ Colonial/Revolutionary Quiz, quick discussion on failures of Articles of Confederation

HW~ Constitution Scavenger Hunt  DUE TOMORROW

9/18 Classics

In-class~ Counselor visit

HW~ Study fot Origins Quiz TOMORROW (review below)

Quiz will focus on MAIN plot points and archetype/theme/motif analysis

Creation of Titans & Gods
    Elemental Deities
    Castration of Uranus
    Overthrow of Titans
    Rise of Olympians 
Prometheus and Pandora
    Punishment of Prometheus
    Punishment of Man
    Pandora & Box
    Comparative to Adam & Eve
Ages of Man
    Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroes, Iron
Flood Cycle
    Deucalion and Pyrrha
    Comparative to Noah’s Ark 

9/18 IB Block

In-class~  Zinn Ch. 5 reading discussion, watched documentary on Southern campaign (focus on British mistakes and Colonial capitalization on them) with quick discussion

HW~ Study for quiz TOMORROW

Colonial ppt for review 

Colonial/Revolutionary America Quiz Review

~ Motivation and approach to colonization (VERY BASIC)
~ Salem witch trials & social hysteria formula
~ Colonial regional social/economic structure (New England, Southern, Middle (brief))
       ~ Focus on American values, historical trends, & long term set up of Civil War
~ Mercantilism and Salutary Neglect
~ Causes of the Revolutionary War- British & Colonial Actions and Reactions (Timeline)
~ Objectives, strengths and weaknesses of British and Colonial militaries
      ~ Mistakes of the British and colonial response
~ Nature of the Revolutionary War and its impact on the outcome

9/17 Classics

In-class~ Flood quiz, read Genesis 6-9 for comparison, Dual Flood Plotline Visual

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Origins Quiz Wednesday (review below)

Quiz will focus on MAIN plot points and archetype/theme/motif analysis

Creation of Titans & Gods
    Elemental Deities
    Castration of Uranus
    Overthrow of Titans
    Rise of Olympians 
Prometheus and Pandora
    Punishment of Prometheus
    Punishment of Man
    Pandora & Box
    Comparative to Adam & Eve
Ages of Man
    Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroes, Iron
Flood Cycle
    Deucalion and Pyrrha
    Comparative to Noah’s Ark 

9/17 IB Block

In-class~ T&S 231-243 quiz, Nature of the Revolution discussion, watched part of documentary on British approach to Saratoga

HW~ Zinn Ch. 5 reading DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Quiz Wednesday (review below) Colonial ppt for review 

Colonial/Revolutionary America Quiz Review

~ Motivation and approach to colonization (VERY BASIC)
~ Salem witch trials & social hysteria formula
~ Colonial regional social/economic structure (New England, Southern, Middle (brief))
       ~ Focus on American values, historical trends, & long term set up of Civil War
~ Mercantilism and Salutary Neglect
~ Causes of the Revolutionary War- British & Colonial Actions and Reactions (Timeline)
~ Objectives, strengths and weaknesses of British and Colonial militaries
      ~ Mistakes of the British and colonial response
~ Nature of the Revolutionary War and its impact on the outcome

9/14 Classics

In-class~ Genesis quiz and quick discussion, tabletop on corruption, read Ages of Man (WM pg. 12)

HW~ Read Flood Cycle in World Mythology pg 21-25

9/14 IB Block

In-class~ Road to Revolution Timeline jigsaw and discussion, quick discussion of Colonial writings prior to Dec. of Ind. 

HW~ T&S 231-243 DUE MONDAY

9/13 Classics

In-class~ Read and analyzed Prometheus and Pandora

HW~ Read excerpt from Genesis with comparative focus

9/13 IB Block

In-class~ Quick discussion on French and Indian War, assign Road to Revolution Jigsaw Timeline with work time

HW~ Finish Road to Revolution Jigsaw Timeline entries

9/12 Classics

In-class~ Analysis discussion of The Creation of the Titans and Gods 

HW~ None

9/12 IB Block

In-class~ Finished discussion on Colonial social structure and legacy of regional identities, quick tabletop on mercantilism and salutary neglect

HW~ None

9/11 Classics

In-class~ Read The Creation of the Titans and Gods (World Mythology pg.7), started discussion

HW~ None

9/11 IB Block

In-class~ Social structures on colonial regions, Salem Witch trials & Hysteria Formula


9/10 Classics

In-class~ Finished Intro to Classics ppt.

HW~ None

9/10 IB Block

In-class~ Colonial Snapshot ppt.


Upcoming~ T&S 162-170 DUE WEDNESDAY

9/6 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Mythological Approaches

HW~ Bring signed syllabus if you forgot it today

9/6 IB Block

In-class~ American values & identity discussion

HW~ Quick Reading  DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Tindall & Shi 117-129 Due Tuesday

9/5 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Classics, passed out syllabus

HW~ Get syllabus signed

9/5 IB Block

In-class~ Intro to the course and expectations

HW~ Syllabus

Upcoming HW~ Quick Reading  DUE FRIDAY

6/6 IB Block

In-class~ 90s museum


Upcoming~ Obama years Cultural Literacy Project

6/6 Classics

In-class~ Arthurian Legend Socratic Seminar

HW~ Final Presentations START TOMORROW

6/4 IB Block

In-class~ 70s/80s/90s Quest, discussed final, Election of 2000


Final Paper 3 Syllabus 

6/4 Classics

In-class~ Mists of Avalon

HW~ Prep for Wednesday's Socratic Seminar (Must use ALL 3 sources)

Upcoming~ Final Presentations START THURSDAY 

6/1 IB Block

In-class~ Clinton Friday and review

HW~ Study for 70s/80s/90s Exam MONDAY 

Upcoming~ T&S 1446-1466 DUE WEDNESDAY 6/6 (LAST READING OF THE YEAR!!!!)

6/1 Classics

In-class~ Mists of Avalon

HW~ None  

5/29 IB Block

In-class~ 90s Cultural Literacy ppt.

HW~ Prep for Clinton Friday  (DUE 6/1)

Upcoming~ 90s Museum NEXT WEDNESDAY

5/22 IB Block

In-class~ 80s Social Issues and culture

HW~ Prepare for Reagan Wednesday with T&S Chapter 36 and Zinn Chapter 21 

5/22 Classics

In-class~ OFK quiz and quick discussion

HW~ None due tomorrow, Finish King Arthur and packet by THURSDAY (quiz)

5/21 IB Block

In-class~ 70s Lessons debrief and Election of 1980

HW~  Prepare for Reagan Wednesday with T&S Chapter 36 and Zinn Chapter 21 


Experience Seattle Project

5/21 Classics

In-class~ Work period for Character Profile and OFK reading (just through 312)

HW~ Finish Character Profile and OFK

5/17 Classics

In-class~ Finished Monty Python, assigned Character Profile, reading time for 292-304

HW~ Finish reading 292-304 (strong suggestion to take notes)

5/14 IB Block

In-class~ 60s Paper 3 Exam, assigned Nixon Wednesday work & 70s Lessons, work time

HW~  Nixon Wednesday Activity Prep  & (US vs. Nixon reading) for WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ 70s Lessons will start on Friday

For Next Week~ Prepare for Reagan Wednesday (5/23) with T&S Chapter 36 and Zinn Chapter 21 


Experience Seattle Project

5/14 Classics

In-class~ Beowulf Comparative In-class Essay (click link for make-up)

HW~ None

5/11 IB Block

In-class~ Paper 3 prep

HW~ Study for Paper 3 Exam

5/11 Classics

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on Beowulf

HW~ Finish Beowulf and prep for comparative in-class write.

5/10 IB Block

In-class~ 60s Museum & Activism Socratic Seminar

HW~ None due tomorrow.


5/10 Classics

In-class~ Focused intro to Beowulf , read Beowulf  Ch. 1-3 269-281.

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

5/9 IB Block

In-class- Work period

HW- 60s Museum and Activism Socratic Seminar TOMORROW

5/9 Classics

In-class- Fear visual

HW- Beowulf intro in World Mythology book

5/3 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on McNamara's Lessons and Vietnam historiography, previewed what's next and assigned 60s Museum

HW~  None due tomorrow, prep for next Thursday's Activism SS Oxford: 430-434, 468-475, & 476-482, Outside readings- Cesar Chavez, Wounded Knee 1973, The Trial of Leonard Peltier, Stop the ERA. Gloria Steinem on Feminism


5/3 Classics

In-class~ Started Faerie Tale Theatre Presentations

HW~ Finish prepping for more presentations

Xanadu EC- Bring stamped playbill & submit answers to turnitin.com by MONDAY @ 11:59
1. Thoughtfully review the play. What were the best aspects? Where could there have been improvements? What was the most memorable scene?

2. How are elements of Greek mythology incorporated into the play? What is the effect of their inclusion on the audience?

4/30 IB Block

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on My Lai, started 1968 with discussion on timeline

HW~ A Nation Divided & T&S 1357-1364 DUE WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ McNamara's Lessons of Vietnam DUE THURSDAY

4/30 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Faerie Tale Theatre Presentations

HW~ None



4/27 IB Block

In-class~ Overview of nature of Vietnam War, Vietnam: A Television History segment 

HW~ My Lai readings Into the DarkCourt MartialHeroes of My Lai DUE MONDAY 

4/27 Classics

In-class- LotR and Sigurd Socratic Seminar

HW- none

4/26 IB Block

In-class~ Structured Academic Controversy on Escalation of Vietnam with debrief

HW~ T&S 1328-1334 DUE TOMORROW

4/26 Classics

In-class~ Finished The Lord of the Rings with SS prep time

HW~  Sigurd/LotR Socratic Seminar Boardtalk FRIDAY

4/23 IB Block

In-class~ Civil Rights Timeline & Presentations

HW~ Malcolm X context reading DUE TOMORROW, don;t forget to submit your IA to turnitin.com 


4/23 Classics

In-class~ The Lord of the Rings with brief discussion

HW~ None

4/20 IB Block

In-class~ Civil Rights Timeline & Presentations



4/20 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings 

HW~ None

4/19 IB Block

In-class~ Civil Rights Timeline with presentations

HW~ Letter from Birmingham Jail DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ IA Final Draft DUE MONDAY

4/19 Classics

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on conclusion of Sigurd

HW~ None

4/17 IB Block

In-class~ IA Rough Draft Peer Edit

HW~ Civil Rights Presentation Prep

Upcoming~ Civil Rights Presentations START THURSDAY

4/17 Classics

In-class~ Quiz and discussion on Sigurd 1-4, discussion on Love Triangles

HW~ Read Sigurd ch. 5

4/16 IB Block

In-class- Election of 1964 & LBJ's Great Society

HW- IA Full Rough Draft DUE TOMORROW

Civil Rights Group Presentations START THURSDAY

4/16 Classics

In-class- Intro to Sigurd the Volsung, read Ch. 1-4

HW- Finish reading

4/4 IB Block

In-class~ Kennedy discussion (ppt. here) 

HW~ IA Criterion B (OPCVL) DUE TOMORROW (Hard copy in class)

Socratic Seminar Make-Ups- McCarthyism, 50s Paper 3 , Cuba 

4/4 Classics

In-class~ Jigsaw read the Book of Revelation

HW~ Prep for Norse Mythology Socratic Seminar TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Yggdrasil Visual DUE FRIDAY

4/3 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Death of Baldur and vengeance

HW~ Punishment of Loki and Ragnarok DUE WEDNESDAY

Upcoming~ Norse Ragnarok Cycle Socratic Seminar THURSDAY
Yggdrasil Visual DUE FRIDAY (New Due Date)

4/2 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed IA Criterion A: Evaluation of Sources, Intro to 60s Unit

HW~ IA Criterion B: Investigation Rough Draft DUE @ 11:59 to turnitin.com. BRING HARD COPY TO CLASS TOMORROW.

Upcoming~ T&S 1300-1306 & 1312-1315 DUE WEDNESDAY
Criterion B: Source Evaluation Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY (Hard copy in class on Thursday)

4/2 Classics

In-class~ Discussed theft myths, assigned Norse reading packet 

HW~ Death of Baldur DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Punishment of Loki and Ragnarok DUE WEDNESDAY
Yggdrasil Visual DUE FRIDAY (New Due Date)

3/29 IB Block

In-class~ Work period

HW~ Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) TOMORROW
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2 by 11:59pm
Source Evaluation Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY at 11:59

3/29 Classics

In-class~ Norse Cosmogony quiz and discussion

HW~ None due tomorrow The Theft of Thor's Hammer(pg. 224) and The Theft of Idun's Apples (pg. 214) DUE MONDAY

Yggdrasil Visual DUE TUESDAY

3/28 IB Block

In-class~ Work period

HW~ IA 4-Level Outline DUE TODAY by 11:59
Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) Friday  3/30
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2

3/28 Classics

In-class~ Read Norse Cosmogony myth (208-213)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

3/27 IB Block

In-class~ Work period

HW~ IA 4-Level Outline DUE WEDNESDAY 3/28
Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) Friday  3/30
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2

3/27 Classics

In-class~ Norse Cosmology- Yggdrasil, assigned 3-D Yggdrasil

HW~ Odyssey film DUE WEDNESDAY

3/26 IB Block

In-class~ 50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar 

HW~ IA 4-Level Outline DUE WEDNESDAY 3/28
Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) Friday  3/30
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2

3/26 Classics

In-class~ Final Aeneid quiz and discussion, Intro to Norse Mythology

HW~ Odyssey film DUE WEDNESDAY

3/23 IB Block

In-class~ Nonconformity discussion and ppt.

Upcoming- Next Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday will be in-class work periods
50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar  MONDAY 3/26
IA 4-Level Outline DUE WEDNESDAY 3/28
Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) Friday  3/30
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2

3/23 Classics

In-class- Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW- Finish The Aeneid 

3/21 IB Block

In-class~ Pleasantville discussion, and quick ppt Television: Perpetuating Conformity

HW~ The Other America reading DUE FRIDAY

Upcoming (NOTE NEW DUE DATES!)- Next Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday will be in-class work periods
50s/Cold War Paper 3 Focus Socratic Seminar  MONDAY 3/26
IA 4-Level Outline DUE WEDNESDAY 3/28
Cuba Socratic Seminar (Docs. for SS #1#2#3, & #4) Friday  3/30
IA Investigation Rough Draft DUE 4/2

3/21 Classics

In-class~ Work period for Friday's Afterlife Socratic Seminar 

HW~ Prep for Socratic Seminar

3/20 IB Block

In-class~ Pleasantville 


3/20 Classics

In-class~ Work period for Friday's Afterlife Socratic Seminar 

HW~ Prep for Socratic Seminar

3/19 IB Block

In-class~ Eisenhower domestic policy tabletop, started 50s Culture ppt. 

HW~ None

3/19 Classics

In-class~ Read Chapter 5 of The Aeneid with discussion,Ch. 6 reading time

HW~ Prep for next Friday's Afterlife Socratic Seminar 

3/16 IB Block

In-class~ Finished Eisenhower foreign policy ppt., 3/4 ONLY looked at political TV ads

HW~ Oxford 298-302 & T&S pg.1270 & pg.1273 (Just individual sections that start on each of those pages) FOCUS 1- PG NOTES ON THESE CONCEPTS & 
IA Annotated Bib  DUE MONDAY

3/16 Classics

In-class~ Introduce Afterlife Socratic Seminar, discussed Augustus and Virgil and Aeneid 1-4

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Prep for next Friday's Afterlife Socratic Seminar 

3/15 IB Block

In-class~ Eisenhower/Cold War discussion

HW~ Iranian Coup reading 
FOR 5/6 ONLY~ Read HW from last night for quiz tomorrow (students with notes today are exempt)

Upcoming~ IA Annotated Bib  DUE MONDAY

3/15 Classics

In-class~ The Odyssey Exam, reading time

HW~ The Aeneid Ch. 1-4 pg. 119-133 in World Mythology books

3/14 IB Block

In-class~ McCarthyism Socratic Seminar

HW~ Oxford 384-390 DUE TOMORROW

3/14 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on O' Brother Where Art Thou, assigned Odyssey Film Project 

HW~ Study for tomorrow's Odyssey Exam

3/9 IB Block

In-class~ IA Library Time

HW~ Oxford 365-373 & Espionage Case readings  DUE TUESDAY (Work period on Monday in the library that can be used for IA research or reading time)

Upcoming~ IA Research Question and 2-Level outline DUE WEDNESDAY

3/9 Classics

In-class~ Graded Discussion on The Odyssey conclusion, motif and theme group work

HW~ None

Schedule for next week (Final slide). 

3/6 IB Block

In-class~ Intro to Cold War/50s Unit, IA question and source discussion

HW~  T&S 1220-1228 & Weapons Race reading DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Korean War Reading & T&S 1228-1233 DUE THURSDAY

3/6 Classics

In-class~ Finished reading Bk. 11 with discussion

HW~ Read Bk. 12

3/5 IB Block

In-class~ Course Request Process, introduced IA

HW~ T&S 1206-1220 DUE TOMORROW

3/5 Classics

In-class~ Finished Bk. 9 & 10 Visuals, started reading Book 11

HW~ none

3/2 IB Block

In-class~ WWII Exam

HW~ None

Make-up WWII Exam-Tuesday after school (3:00-4:15) or Wednesday before school (8:45-10:00)

3/2 Classics

In-class~ Bk. 9 & 10 Visual

HW~ None

3/1 IB Block

In-class~ Discussed potential Paper 3 prompts, lecture on immediate aftermath of WWII

HW~ Study for exam

3/1 Classics

In-class~ Discuss role of women in The Odyssey, Bk. 9 & 10 reading time

HW~ Finish Bk. 9 & 10

2/28 IB Block

In-class~ Paper 3 prompt practice

HW~ None

2/28 Classics

In-class~ Read BK. 5 & 6 with written assignment 

HW~ Finish assignment

2/27 IB Block

In-class~ Atomic Bomb Discussion (more on historiography of a-bomb here)

HW~ WWII Exam FRIDAY Study Guide   

2/27 Classics

In-class- Odyssey 1/2 quiz and discussion
HW- none

2/26 IB Block

In-class~ Okinawa- Potsdam Conference

HW~ Atomic Bomb detail and perspective chart

WWII Exam Review for test FRIDAY 

2/26 Classics

In-class~ Cost of war Reflection & Intro to Odyssey 

HW~ Read the first two books of The Odyssey. Prepare 3 discussion questions for tomorrow, with your own answers written out. (Will go in HWP)

2/16 IB Block

In-class~ Lecture/Discussion on Yalta and the end of the European Theatre

HW~ 5 possible IA Topics DUE MONDAY after break

2/16 Classics

In-class~ Troy/Iliad Comparative Timed Write 

HW~ None

2/15 IB Block

In-class~ Pacific Jigsaw and debrief, intro to IA topics

HW~ None

2/15 Classics

In-class~ Finish Troy, looked at comparative prompts

HW~ None

2/14 IB Block

In-class~ LA Exam

HW~ Pacific Jigsaw Lessons tomorrow

2/14 Classics

In-class~ Troy

HW~ None

2/13 IB Block

In-class~ Battle Jigsaw library time

HW~ Battle Jigsaw Lessons THURSDAY

2/13 Classics

In-class~ Troy (opt out)

HW~ None

2/12 IB Block

In-class~ Context to War in the Pacific and Japanese War Mentality, assigned Battle Jigsaw (5/6 only)

HW~ Battle Jigsaw Lessons THURSDAY

2/12 Classics

In-class~ Troy (opt out)

HW~ None

2/9 IB Block

In-class~ Women and Minorities in WWII Socratic Seminar

HW~ Japanese Internment Memorial and Perspective Research DUE MONDAY

2/9 Classics

In-class~ Iliad Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

2/8 IB Block

In-class~ European Theatre review 

HW~   Women and Minorities in WWII Socratic Seminar TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Women and Minorities Perspectives research assignment  & Japanese Memorial DUE MONDAY

2/8 Classics

In-class~ The Iliad Socratic Seminar prep period

HW~ Finish prep

The Great Gatsby EC- DUE MONDAY @11:59 to turnitin.com

1. How does Gatsby address the classical theme of the subjugation of women?

2. How does Gatsby use Aristotle's elements of tragedy? What is the effect on the audience?

3. How did you like the play? What was your favorite aspect? Least favorite?

2/7 IB Block

In-class~ Women and Minorities Perspectives research assignment 

HW~ Oxford 224-229

Upcoming~   Japanese Internment Memorial & Women and Minorities in WWII Socratic Seminar

2/7 Classics

In-class~  The Iliad conclusion quiz and discussion

HW~ Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

The Great Gatsby EC

1. How does Gatsby address the classical theme of the subjugation of women?

2. How does Gatsby use Aristotle's elements of tragedy? What is the effect on the audience?

3. How did you like the play? What was your favorite aspect? Least favorite?

2/6 IB Block

In-class~ Rabbit in the Moon with discussion on Model Minority stereotype

HW~ Oxford 213-221 DUE TOMORROW, 225-229 DUE THURSDAY

Upcoming~   Japanese Internment Memorial & Women and Minorities in WWII Socratic Seminar

2/6 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Homeric elements (arete, kleos, etc.) applied to The Iliad 

HW~ Finish The Iliad including the epilogue

The Great Gatsby EC

1. How does Gatsby address the classical theme of the subjugation of women?

2. How does Gatsby use Aristotle's elements of tragedy? What is the effect on the audience?

3. How did you like the play? What was your favorite aspect? Least favorite?

2/5 IB Block

In-class~ Assigned Japanese Internment Memorial & Women and Minorities in WWII Socratic Seminar

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Oxford 213-221 DUE WEDNESDAY, Oxford 225-229 DUE THURSDAY

2/5 Classics

In-class~ Death of Patroclus responsibility infographic

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Iliad Socratic Seminar FRIDAY

1/31 IB Block

In-class~ More ppt. on American Road to WWII, read FDR's Arsenal of Democracy & Lindbergh's America First speeches from primary source packet.

 HW~ Inter-America Diplomacy reading DUE TOMORROW

1/31 Classics

In-class~ Finished myths preceding The Iliad, looked at artistic interpretations of The Judgment of Paris 

HW~ Read Ch. 1&2 of The Iliad (World Mythology pg. 48-55)

1/30 IB Block

In-class~ Intro to WWII, started American Road to WWII ppt., read Nanking Massacre

HW~ Inter-America Diplomacy reading DUE THURSDAY

1/30 Classics

In-class~ Intro to the Homeric Cycle

HW~ None

1/22 IB Block

In-class~ Finished cultural impact of Great Depression (Escapism/Social Realism)

HW~ None

Links for Great Depression perspective exploration



1/22 Classics

In-class~ Contemporary Hero Presentations

HW~ Final presentations tomorrow


1/18 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion Social/Psychological impact of Great Depression

HW~ None



1/18 Classics

In-class~ Contemporary Hero Presentations

HW~ Avatar and Megamind Presentations tomorrow


1/17 IB Block

In-class~ Lasting Impact of the New Deal 

HW~  Oxford 177-179 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression  DUE TOMORROW



1/17 Classics

In-class~ Library work period for Contemporary Hero Presentations

HW~ Presentations start tomorrow (Captain America & Deadpool)

1/16 IB Block

In-class~ Brazil during the Great Depression quiz and discussion with practice Paper 3 prompts

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Oxford 177-179 & Women, Impact of the Great Depression  DUE THURSDAY


1/16 Classics

In-class~ Library work period for Contemporary Hero Presentations

HW~ Continue to work on project

1/11 IB Block

In-class~ Reviewed paper 3 practice from yesterday, discussed Economic/Political spectrum, reviewed Canadian response to the Great Depression with comparative focus.

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Oxford 165-175 DUE TUESDAY

1/11 Classics

In-class~ Finished Wonder Woman and discussed

HW~ None

Meet in library tomorrow to start Contemporary Hero Projects!

1/8 IB Block

In-class~ New Deal quiz, review and discussion

HW~ New Deal Structured Academic Controversy Prep (reading pgs. on sheet) DUE TUESDAY
 New Deal Historiography  DUE WEDNESDAY
Oxford 150-158 DUE THURSDAY

1/8 Classics

In-class~ Early/Cultic Hero Boardtalk, assigned Contemporary Hero Presentation, started Wonder Woman

HW~ None due tomorrow, groups and film choices DUE THURSDAY

1/5 IB Block

In-class~ Century: Stormy Weather documentary

HW~ Oxford 135-145 DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~  New Deal Structured Academic Controversy Prep DUE TUESDAY
 New Deal Historiography  DUE WEDNESDAY
Oxford 150-158 DUE THURSDAY

1/5 Classics

In-class~ Muppet Theseus with brief discussion

HW~ Prep for Monday's Cultic Hero Boardtalk

1/4 IB Block

In-class~ Finished review of causes of Great Depression, discussed Hoover's attempts at solutions

HW~ Oxford 135-145 DUE MONDAY

1/4 Classics

In-class~ Heracles quiz and discussion

HW~ Classical Mythology 599-608

1/2 IB Block

In-class~ Intro to Great Depression, reading time

HW~ Causes of the Great Depression critical reading & Oxford 121-125 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Oxford 130-134 & Hoover’s Rugged Individualism  speech  DUE THURSDAY
Oxford 135-145 DUE MONDAY

1/2 Classics

In-class~ Started Hercules

HW~ Hercules Hero Archetype notes DUE THURSDAY (Use Chapter 22 of Classical Mythology first, can use World Mythology as a reference.


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