12/19 American Studies

In-class~ Progressive Era powerpoint, muckraking reading time

HW~ Muckraking Socratic Seminar tomorrow, Unit 5 take-home essay due tomorrow @ 11:59 to turnitin.com



12/19 Classics

In-class~ Norse Mythology Quiz, starting viewing video projects

HW~ None

12/18 American Studies

In-class~ Intro to Progressive Era, assigned Muckraking reading and discussion questions

HW~ Immigration narrative research

Upcoming~ Unit 5 take-home essay due Friday @ 11:59 to turnitin.com
                   Muckraking Socratic Seminar Friday

12/18 Classics

In-class~ Finished LotR

HW~ Study for Norse Quiz

12/17 Classics

In-class~ LotR

HW~ Start studying for Norse Culminating quiz Thursday (see study guide in yesterday's post)


Write our three points of analysis supported by quotes for each of the following topics:

Comparative to Greek Mythology
Comparative to Modern Film or Literature
Themes, Archetypes and Motifs 


12/16 American Studies

In-class~ Gilded Age World's Fair Project

HW~ None

12/16 Classics

In-class~ LotR

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Norse Culminating Quiz THURSDAY

Norse Study Guide
Focus on Themes, Archetypes, & Comparative to Greek for the following: 
Ragnarok Cycle (Creation, Corruption of Loki stories, Ragnarok)
Hero Cycle (Sigurd and Lord of the Rings)

12/13 American Studies

In-class~ Discussed Immigration, assigned Immigration Narrative

HW~ World's Fair Project on MONDAY

EC Opportunity~ 250 word review of The Crucible connecting it to your thoughts on reading it this semester. DUE SUNDAY @ 11:59 to TURNITIN.COM (Turn stamped program in to Bede)

12/13 Classics

In-class~ Lord of the Rings

HW~ None

EC Opportunity~ 500 word essay comparing Achilles and John Proctor using the tragic hero archetype. DUE TUESDAY @ 11:59 to TURNITIN.COM (Turn stamped program in to Bede)

12/12 American Studies

In-class~ Discussed approaches to exam writing, ppt. on Inventions

HW~ Reading Notes 527-533 DUE TOMORROW

12/12 Classics

In-class~ Norse Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk

HW~ Revelation-Ragnarok Outline DUE BY 11:59 TONIGHT!

12/11 American Studies

In-class~ Industrialization Socratic Seminar

HW~ Reading Notes 527-533 DUE TOMORROW

12/11 Classics

In-class~ Sigurd 1-4 quiz, finish reading Sigurd and prep for Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk

HW~ Prep for Norse Socratic Seminar/Boardtalk TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Revelation/ Ragnarok Outline DUE THURSDAY @ 11:59

12/10 American Studies

In-class~ Urbanization reading & visual with debrief discussion

HW~ Industrialization Socratic Seminar prep DUE TOMORROW!!

Upcoming~ Gilded Age World's Fair MONDAY

12/10 Classics

In-class~ Sigurd the Volsung (Intro- Ch. 4) in World Mythology books (pg. 226)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

Upcoming~ Norse Socratic Seminar & Boardtalk THURSDAY
Revelation/Ragnarok Outline due THURSDAY @11:59

12/09 American Studies

In-class~ Industrialization Video and Socratic Seminar prep time

HW~ Industrialization Socratic Seminar on WEDNESDAY (entrance sheet)

12/09 Classics

In-class~ Revelation/Ragnarok assignment (assignment here)

HW~ Video project DUE TOMORROW

12/06 American Studies

In-class~ Library work time for World's Fair Project

HW~ None

12/06 Classics

In-class~ Punishment of Loki and Ragnarok reading with guided questions

HW~ Video project DUE TUESDAY

12/05 American Studies

In-class~ Western Frontier discussion, assigned World's Fair Project

HW~ None

12/05 Classics

In-class~ Comparative Analysis reminders and questions, review discussion of The Theft of Idun's Apples, read The Death of Balder (pg. 216)


12/04 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Far and Away and discussed

HW~ Reading Notes 501-506 DUE TOMORROW

12/04 Classics

In-class~ Norse Cosmogony quiz, read The Theft of Thor's Hammer

HW~ Read The Theft of Idun's Apples (World Mythology pg. 214)

Upcoming~ Comparative Analysis Final DUE THURSDAY @ 11:59 to turnitin.com

12/03 American Studies

In-class~ Far and Away 

HW~ Reading Notes 488-497 DUE TOMORROW

12/03 Classics

In-class~ Peer Editing, read Norse Cosmogony (pg. 208-213 in World Mythology)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class, OPEN NOTE QUIZ TOMORROW

Upcoming~ Comp. Analysis Final Draft DUE THURSDAY @ 11:59 to turnitin.com

12/2 American Studies

In-class~ Intro to Unit 5, started Far and Away

HW~ Reading Notes 488-497 DUE WEDNESDAY

12/2 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Norse Mythology

HW~ Comp. Analysis Rough Draft DUE TOMORROW!


Upcoming~ Comp. Analysis Final DUE THURSDAY @ 11:59 to turnitin.com

11/27 American Studies

In-class~ District Post Assessment on Civil War

HW~ None

11/27 Classics

In-class~ Writing tips and reminders

HW~ Comparative Analysis Rough Draft DUE TUESDAY

11/26 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 4 Civil War Exam

HW~ Study for District Civil War Post- Assessment

11/26 Classics

In-class~ Homeric Cycle Exam

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Comparative Analysis Rough Draft DUE TUESDAY (New Date!)

11/25 American Studies

In-class~ Study for exam and prep study guide

HW~ Study for exam

11/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished O'Brother Where Art Thou, study time for tomorrow's exam (Study Guide here and see below)

HW~ Study for Exam (This and This are both good ideas to review)

11/22 American Studies

In-class~ Fall of Reconstruction ppt. and discussion

HW~ Study for Unit 4 Exam on TUESDAY

11/22 Classics

In-class~ Comparative Analysis approaches and outline reminders (ppt here ), O'Brother 


Upcoming~ Homeric Cycle Exam (study guide here)

11/21 American Studies

In-class~ Reconstruction video with notes, Unit 4 Study Guide work time

HW~ None

11/21 Classics

In-class~ O'Brother Where Art Thou 

HW~ Exit Interview #1 DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming~ CA Outline DUE MONDAY

11/20 American Studies

In-class~ Homework review discussion on Presidential Reconstruction, powerpoint on  Congressional Reconstruction, handed out Unit 4 Exam review

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Unit 4 Exam TUESDAY

11/20 Classics

In-class~ End of Odyssey reading check quiz, Odyssey Theme activity, assigned Creative Film Project

HW~ Topics for Comparative Analysis must be approved by Friday, Senior Exit Interview Q #1 due friday

11/19 American Studies

In-class~ Finished the Civil War battle chart, discussed the aftermath of war including Lincoln's assassination

HW~ Reading Notes 426-429

11/19 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Comparative Analysis paper, practice Senior Exit Interview questions

HW~ World Mythology pg. 93-109 (Finish The Odyssey)

Upcoming~ Make-up Afterlife Socratic Seminar Wednesday at 9:15
Comparative topics due Thursday
Exit Interview Question #1 Due Friday

11/18 American Studies

In-class~ Review of reading and battle chart assignment, discussion on Ft. Wagner with film clip

HW~ None

11/18 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW~ None


11/15 American Studies

In-class~ Reading notes 390-400

HW~ None

11/15 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar prep time

HW~ Finish prep for MONDAY

11/14 American Studies

In-class~ Started Civil War discussion and Battle Chart

HW~ Battle Chart through Gettysburg

11/14 Classics

In-class- Read Homer's Book of the Dead, assigned Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW- Afterlife Socratic Seminar prep DUE MONDAY

11/13 American Studies

In-class~ Discussed Road to Civil War Timeline

HW~ None

11/13 Classics

In-class~ Finished Troy and discussed

HW~ World Mythology 77-89 (Odyssey Ch. 1-3)

11/12 American Studies

In-class~ Road to Civil War Timeline work period

HW~ Finish timeline, DUE TOMORROW

11/12 Classics

In-class~ Troy

HW~ None


11/8 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 3 Exam

HW~ No new, compile Unit 3 HWP

11/8 Classics

In-class~ Troy 

HW~ None

11/7 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 3 Review

HW~ Study for Unit 3 Exam

11/7 Classics

In-class~ Troy with comparative chart

HW~ None

11/6 American Studies

In-class~ Mexican-American War info and analysis questions (BLUE pg 277)

HW~ Start studying for Unit 3 Exam

Upcoming~ Unit 3 Exam is FRIDAY (New Date)

11/6 Classics

In-class~ Iliad Socratic Seminar, passed out Troy opt out permission (form here)

HW~ None

FOR THOSE ABSENT~ Iliad Socratic Seminar make-up will be Wednesday 11/13 @ 9:10

11/5 American Studies

In-class~ Reading Notes 249-256

HW~ None

11/5 Classics

In-class~ Watched Troy: The Passion of Helen, Socratic Seminar postpones until tomorrow

HW~ None

11/4 American Studies

In-class- Manifest Destiny PowerPoint

HW- None

Upcoming- Unit 3 Exam THURSDAY

11/4 Classics

In-class- Iliad Socratic Seminar prep time, Tragic Hero Archetype sheet

HW- Finish SS prep

11/1 American Studies

In-class~ The Changing Workplace reading fill-in notes

HW~ None

11/1 Classics

In-class~ Iliad 1-4 discussion, reading time

HW~ Finish reading The Iliad 

Upcoming~ The Iliad Socratic Seminar on Tuesday (Entrance sheet)

10/31 American Studies

In-class~ 19th Century Women's Rights ppt.

HW~ Women's Right Critical Reading

10/31 Classics

In-class~ Homeric Cycle & Hero review & Storytime of Myths preceding The Iliad

HW~ World Mythology pg 48-61 (Ch. 1-4)

10/30 American Studies

In-class~ Reformers Museum

HW~ None

10/30 Classics

In-class~ Early Heroes Quiz

HW~ World Mythology pg 31-43 NOTES REQUIRED

10/29 American Studies

In-class~ Discussion on the evolution of racism, review of abolition movement, work time for Reformers Museum

HW~ Finish Reformers Exhibit DUE TOMORROW!!!!

10/29 Classics

In-class~ Theseus Quiz and discussion, Muppet Studio Theseus

HW~ Study for Early Heroes Quiz (Heracles, Perseus, Theseus)

10/28 American Studies

In-class~ Abolition video with discussion

HW~ Work on Reformers Museum Exhibit DUE WEDNESDAY

10/28 Classics

In-class~ Finish Clash of the Titans and discuss

HW- Classical Mythology pgs. 599-608 (Theseus)

Upcoming- Early heroes Quiz on Wednesday 

10/25 American Studies

In-class~ Library research for Reformers Museum project

HW~ Reading Notes 318-325 due Monday

10/25 Classics

In-class~ Clash of the Titans

HW~ Bring Classical Mythology books on Monday

10/24 American Studies

In-class~ Finished reform reading notes and reviewed, assigned Reformers Museum project

HW~ Initial research on reformer

10/24 Classics

In-class~ Perseus quiz and discussion, started Clash of the Titans

HW~ None

10/23 American Studies

In-class~ Turned in HWP, Intro to Unit 3, started Reform Reading Notes

HW~ Work on Reform Reading Notes (Due middle of the period tomorrow)

10/23 Classics

In-class~ Finished Hercules, Perseus Reading (Classical Mythology pg. 547-555)

HW~ Finish reading

10/22 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 2 Exam

HW~ Compile HWP

11/22 Classics

In-class~ Hercules quiz, Hercules film

HW~ None

10/21 American Studies

In-class- Unit 2 Exam Review

HW~ Study for Unit 2 Exam, submit Constitutional Issue Paper to turnitin.com


10/21 Classics

In-class~ Hero Archetype powerpoint, Hercules

HW~ Read The Labor and Death of Heracles (pg. 26-31 in World Mythology books)


10/18 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Presidents video, Reading Notes 297-303

HW~ Constitutional Issue paper DUE MONDAY (Formatting and Turnitin info)

10/18 Classics

In-class~ Hercules



10/17 American Studies

In-class~ Reminders about Constitutional Issues paper, reviewed Election of 1824, started Presidents video

HW~ Constitutional Issue Paper due Monday (Friday for 5 pts. EC)

10/17 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Exam

HW~ None

10/15 American Studies

In-class~ Quiz on War of 1812, Politics and Economic of 1808-1824 ppt.

HW~ Reading Notes 290-295 & Lewis and Clark Depiction DUE THURSDAY!

Upcoming~ Constitutional Issue Paper DUE FRIDAY!

10/15 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Exam Review


10/14 American Studies

In-class~ Peer editing of Rough Drafts, Early Foreign Policy reading

HW~ Reading Notes 224-228 (Stop before "Boom and Panic")

Upcoming~ Constitutional Issue PAPER DUE FRIDAY!

10/14 Classics

In-class~ Hermes review, revisit polarity chart, group review time

HW~ Study for Thursday's OLYMPIANS EXAM

10/11 American Studies

In-class~ Reviewed Cause and Effect Assignment, assigned Lewis and Clark visual depiction

HW~ Rough Drafts DUE MONDAY

10/11 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Dionysus, revisited Archetype

HW~ Hermes (pg. 281 in Classical Mythology)

Upcoming~ Olympians Exam has been moved to THURSDAY

10/10 American Studies

In-class~ Returned outlines and discussed common issues, Emergence of Political Party ppt., assigned cause and effect assignment

HW~ Finish Cause and Effect Assignment

Upcoming Rough Draft DUE MONDAY

10/10 Classics

In-class~ Introduced Olympians Exam Review, discussion and reading on Dionysus

HW~ Classical Mythology pg 321-325(Stop at Pan), if not done in class

Upcoming~ Olympian Exam on TUESDAY

10/9 American Studies

In-class~ Constitutional Issue Writing Tips

HW~ None

10/9 Classics

In-class~ Apollo Love Myths powerpoint

HW~ None

10/8 American Studies

In-class~ District Common Assessment, collected Constitutional issues outlines

HW~ None

10/8 Classics

In-class~ Video on The Oracle of Delphi

HW~ None


10/7 American Studies

In-class~ Thesis/Outlining question time, watched video on Washington, Adams and Jefferson w/ notes

HW~ Working Thesis & outline are DUE TOMORROW (must include citations and Works Cited)

10/7 Classics

In-class~ Reviewed polarity chart ties to Athena, Artemis & Aphrodite, intro to Apollo, reading time

HW~ Classical Mythology pg 250-256 (Skip 254 & stop before section on Cassandra) & pg. 267-269

Athena Socratic Seminar MAKE-UP WEDNESDAY @ 9:15

10/4 American Studies

In-class~ Review of thesis writing and outlining, library research time

HW~ Working thesis and outline DUE TUESDAY

10/4 Classics

In-class~ Athena Socratic Seminar

HW~ None


10/3 American Studies

In-class~ Library research time for Constitutional Issue paper, topic/stance and initial research due by the end of the period

HW~ Research for Constitutional Issue paper

Upcoming~ Working Thesis and Outlines DUE TUESDAY

10/3 Classics

In-class~ Reviewed Artemis Scavenger Hunt, assigned Athena reading (Classical Mythology Chapter 8, pg. 176) and Socratic Seminar.

HW~ Prep for Socratic Seminar tomorrow

10/2 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Bill of Rights limitations and clarification discussion, assigned Constitutional Issue paper

HW~ Reading notes 158-163 DUE TOMORROW

10/2 Classics

In-class~ Artemis Scavenger Hunt (1st & 5th), Aphrodite quiz and discussion (6th)

HW~ Artemis Scavenger Hunt (6TH ONLY)

10/1 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Constitutional Scavenger Hunt review, started Bill of Rights discussion

HW~ Reading Notes 158-163 DUE THURSDAY

10/1 Classics

In-class~ Aphrodite reading check quiz and discussion, read the myths of Pygmalion & Aphrodite and Adonis (Pg. 192 & 194 in Classical Mythology books)


9/30 American Studies

In-class~ Finished Constitution Scavenger Hunt and reviewed

HW~ None

9/30 Classics

In-class~ Introduction to Second Generation Olympians Polarity Chart, read the myth of Aphrodite and Anchises (Classical Mythology pg. 198)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

9/27 American Studies

In-class~ Reviewed reading homework, Constitutional Scavenger Hunt

HW~ None

9/27 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Poseidon, mythical creatures and monsters glossary powerpoint

HW~ Bring brown Classical Mythology texts on Monday

9/26 American Studies

In-class~ Turned in HWP, Constitution T/F pretest and discussion

HW~ Reading notes 144-148 (Stop before Shay's Rebellion) DUE TOMORROW

9/26 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on Hera's wrath and transfiguration motif, read and discussed Demeter and Persephone (pg. 15 in World Mythology)

HW~ None

9/25 American Studies

In-class~ Unit 1 Exam

HW~ HWP due tomorrow

9/25 Classics

In-class~ Loves of Zeus graphic organizer (assignment here)

HW~ Finish if not done in class

9/24 American Studies

In-class~ Review the Revolutionary War, study time for exam


Upcoming~ Unit 1 HWP due Thursday.

9/23 & 9/24 Classics

In-class~ Clash of the Gods-Zeus video & Counselor visit

HW~Loves of Zeus reading DUE WEDNESDAY!

9/23 American Studies

In-class~ Discuss strengths and weaknesses of American & British militaries and nature of the Revolutionary War, watch Liberty video on Northern campaign

HW~ None


9/20 American Studies

In-class~ Liberty Video with notes

HW~ None

9/20 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Chart Quiz

HW~ None

9/19 American Studies

In-class~ Critically read excerpt from Common Sense with group discussion, group read The Declaration of Independence

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Unit 1 Exam TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH 

9/19 Classics

In-class~ Finished Olympians Presentations

HW~ Olympians Chart Quiz

9/18 American Studies

In-class~ Discussed Colonial reactions to British Acts (propaganda, economic protest, civil disobedience), handed out study guide for upcoming Unit 1 Exam

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Unit 1 Exam TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH 

9/18 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Presentations

HW~ None

9/17 American Studies

In-class~ Reluctant Revolutionaries video with notes

HW~ Finish British Acts Chart DUE TOMORROW

9/17 Classics

In-class~ Library prep time for Olympians Partner Presentations

HW~ Finish presentation prep if not done in class. Be sure to email the presentations or bring them on a thumb drive


9/16 American Studies

In-class~ Colonial Social Structure Socratic Seminar and debrief, assigned British Acts Chart

HW~ Work on British Acts Chart DUE WEDNESDAY

9/16 Classics

In-class~ Assigned the Olympians Partner Presentation, library work time

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Presentations start on Wednesday

9/13 American Studies

In-class~ Critical reading on Colonial Social Structure with prep for Socratic Seminar Monday

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class & Colonial Narrative DUE MONDAY

9/13 Classics

In-class~ Origins Quiz

HW~ None

Notice: If you were absent for today's quiz, it must be made up by Wednesday 9/18

9/12 American Studies

In-class~ Reviewed homework notes, powerpoint on Colonial economics

HW~ Typed 500 word Colonial Narrative DUE MONDAY

Colonial Narrative Details~ Must be first-person narrative that includes accurate context of the setting of the story. The setting and character are your choice.

9/12 Classics

In-class~ Read The Flood Cycle (pg 21 in World Mythology) and discussed, study time for quiz tomorrow

HW~ Study for quiz tomorrow

Quiz will focus on MAIN plot points and archetype/theme analysis

Creation of Universe & Gods
Elemental Deities
Castration of Uranus
Overthrow of Titans
Rise of Olympians
Prometheus and Pandora
                Punishment of Prometheus
                Punishment of Man
                Pandora & Box
Ages of Man
                Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroes, Iron
Flood Cycle
                Deucalion and Pyrrha

9/11 American Studies

In-class~ Social Hysteria discussion

HW~ Reading Notes 59-63 DUE TOMORROW

9/11 Classics

In-class~ Prometheus & Pandora reading check quiz, read The Ages of Man (World Mythology pg. 12)

HW~ Bring turquoise World Mythology book tomorrow

Upcoming~ ORIGIN MYTHS QUIZ ON FRIDAY (study guide below)

Quiz will focus on MAIN plot points and archetype/theme analysis

Creation of Universe & Gods
Elemental Deities
Castration of Uranus
Overthrow of Titans
Rise of Olympians
Prometheus and Pandora
                Punishment of Prometheus
                Punishment of Man
                Pandora & Box
Ages of Man
                Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroes, Iron
Flood Cycle
                Deucalion and Pyrrha

9/10 American Studies

In-class~ Film on Salem Witch Trials with focused notes

HW~ None

9/10 Classics

In-class~ Finished review of cosmogony myth, read The Legend of Prometheus and Pandora

HW~ Read pg 92-94  (section: Interpretations of the myths of Prometheus and Pandora) in brown Classical Mythology books


9/9 American Studies

In-class~ Reading notes Pg. 50-55 (Start at Plymouth/End after Anne Hutchinson) with discussion

HW~ None

9/9 Classics

In-class~ Archetype pre-assessment, read The Creation of the Titans & Gods (pg. 7 in World Mythology) and reviewed

HW~ None

9/6 American Studies

In-class~ Powerpoint on where American History "starts"

HW~ None

9/6 Classics

In-class~ Finished intro powerpoint, got Classics textbooks

HW~ Bring turquoise World Mythology books Monday

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the 2013-2014 school year!

You will be able to find everything you need for both American Studies or Classics on this site. It will be updated daily to show class activities and homework assignments. There will also be class documents linked to the right for your convenience.

Let's have a great year!

Ms. Bede

9/5 American Studies

In-class~ American Studies Intro Journal w/ Discussion, started European contact powerpoint

HW~ Bring syllabus signed by tomorrow

9/5 Classics

In-class~ Pictures, textbook checkout, started Intro to Mythology powerpoint

HW~ Bring signed syllabus by tomorrow for points

9/4 American Studies

In-class~ Syllabus review

HW~ Get syllabus signed by Friday

9/4 Classics

In-class~ Syllabus review

HW~ Get syllabus signed by Friday

6/4-6/11 Classics

In-class~ Final Presentations

6/3 Classics

In-class~ Finished King Arthur

HW~ Prep for Final Presentations

5/31 Classics

In-class~ Library work period for final presentations

HW~ None due Monday...Final presentations start on Tuesday!

5/30 Classics

In-class~ King Arthur film

HW~ None due tomorrow. Final Presentations start Tuesday! 

Make-up Arthurian Socratic Seminar write-ups DUE TOMORROW (no exceptions)

5/29 Classics

In-class~ Library work period

HW~ None

Final Presentations start next Tuesday!

Make-up Arthurian Socratic Seminar work DUE FRIDAY! 

5/28 Classics

In-class~ King Arthur final reading quiz, Arthurian Legend Socratic Seminar

HW~ Gatsby EC due by 11:59

We will meet in the Library tomorrow! 

Make-up~ The Arthurian Legend Socratic Seminar make-up will be written. If you were absent, you need to get the questions from me. THEY ARE DUE BY FRIDAY!

5/23 Classics

In-class~ Watched Hero film projects

HW~ Finish reading King Arthur and prep for the Socratic Seminar Tuesday

5/22 Classics

In-class~ Final project work period

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Arthurian Legend Socratic Seminar Tuesday

5/21 Classics

In-class- King Arthur Prologue-Ch. 3 & Morgause reading quiz and discussion, assigned final project

HW- None

Meet in the library for class tomorrow

Tomorrow is the last day to make up the Norse quiz. 

5/20 Classics

In-class~ Read chapter on Morgause from The Once and Future King 

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class, quiz on Prologue-Chapter 3 & Morgause tomorrow

Norse Mythology quizzes must be made by WEDNESDAY!

5/17 Classics

In-class~ Finished Monty Python, more King Arthur intro, read Prologue- Ch. 3 of King Arthur

HW~ None

Bring books on Monday if not done in class!  

5/16 Classics

In-class~ Monty Python and the Holy Grail

HW~ None


5/15 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Arthurian Legend, started Monty Python and the Holy Grail

HW~ None

5/14 Classics

In-class~ Discussed LotR, Norse Culminating Quiz

HW~ None


5/10 Classics

In-class~ Lord of the Rings, turned in Hero's Children Book/Film

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Norse Culminating Quiz (see Study Guide below) on Tuesday 

Make-up Norse Socratic Seminar Wednesday @ 9:15

Norse Study Guide
Focus on Themes, Archetypes, & Comparative to Greek for the following: 
Ragnarok Cycle (Creation, Corruption of Loki stories, Ragnarok)
Hero Cycle (Sigurd and Lord of the Rings)

5/9 Classics

In-class~ Lord of the Rings

HW~ Hero Children's Book/Film DUE FRIDAY!

Upcoming~ Norse Culminating Quiz Tuesday 
Norse Make-up Socratic Seminar Wednesday @ 9:15

5/8 Classics

In-class- Lord of the Rings

HW- Hero Children's Book/Film DUE FRIDAY! 

5/7 Classics

In-class~ Norse Socratic Seminar

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Hero Children's Book/Film DUE FRIDAY


5/6 Classics

In-class~ Finished reading Sigurd the Volsung, prep time for Socratic Seminar

HW~ Prep for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar (bring questions, observations, comparisons to discuss)

Upcoming~ Hero Children's Book/Film DUE FRIDAY

5/3 Classics

In-class~ Norse Themes applied to modern film/lit. activity, read Ch. 1-4 of Sigurd the Volsung (World Mythology pg. 228)

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Norse Socratic Seminar TUESDAY
Hero Children Book/Film DUE NEXT FRIDAY

5/2 Classics

In-class~ Reading quiz, read  The Punishment of Loki and Ragnarok (handout)

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

Upcoming~ Norse Mythology Socratic Seminar TUESDAY!

5/1 Classics

In-class- Read The Theft of Thor's Hammer (pg. 224), The Theft of Idun's Apples (pg. 214), and The Death of Balder (pg. 218) in World Mythology books.

HW- Finish reading if not done in class.

4/30 Classics

In-class~ Read Norse cosmogony myth (Turquoise pg. 208) with accompanying visual

HW~ Bring turquoise World Mythology books tomorrow!

Notice~ Homeric Cycle Exams must be made up by Thursday 5/2 for those absent

4/29 Classics

In-class- Assigned Hero Children's Book/Film (here), intro to Norse Mythology

HW- Comparative Analysis DUE @ 11:59 to turnitin.com


4/26 Classics

In-class- Homeric Cycle Exam

HW- Work on Comparative Analysis DUE MONDAY NIGHT @ 11:59 to turnitin.com

Make-up Notice- If absent, Homeric Cycle Exam must be made up by Thursday 5/2.

4/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished O' Brother, holistic peer edit of Comparative Rough Drafts

HW~ Study for Homeric Cycle Exam (study guide here)

Upcoming~ Comparative Final Draft DUE MONDAY @ 11:59 to turnitin.com

4/24 Classics

In-class~ O' Brother Where Art Thou

HW~ Comparative Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY

4/23 Classics

In-class~ Collected Odyssey theme assignment, quick writing reminders (ppt. here), started O' Brother Where Art Thou

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar make-up WEDNESDAY @ 9:15
Comparative Analysis Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY
Homeric Cycle Exam on FRIDAY (study guide here)
Comparative Analysis Final Draft DUE MONDAY @ 11:59pm to turnitin.com 

4/22 Classics

In-class~ Collected outlines, finished reading Odyssey (Pg 93-110 in World Mythology book), theme analysis (see prompt below)

HW~ Finish theme analysis... Briefly describe three themes developed in The Odyssey. Then, find at least two quotes to support each theme.

Upcoming~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar make-up WEDNESDAY @ 9:15
Comparative Analysis Rough Draft DUE THURSDAY 
Homeric Cycle Exam on FRIDAY (study guide here)

4/19 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar

HW~ Comparative Analysis Outline DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar make-up Wednesday @9:15 (Only for those who were gone with excused absences)


4/18 Classics

In-class~ Comparative Outline Approaches (ppt. here), Socratic Seminar prep time


Upcoming~ Comparative Analysis Outline DUE MONDAY

4/17 Classics

In-class~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar Prep

HW~ Comparative Analysis Topics DUE TOMORROW

Upcoming ~ Afterlife Socratic Seminar on FRIDAY

4/16 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Afterlife Socratic Seminar, Read Homer's Book of the Dead

HW~ Prep for Friday's Socratic Seminar

Upcoming~ Comp. Analysis Topics DUE THURSDAY!

4/15 Classics

In-class~ Assigned Comparative Analysis Essay (here), Intro to The Odyssey and reading time

HW~ The Odyssey Ch. 1-3 (pg. 77-89 in World Mythology book)


Upcoming~ Comparative Analysis topics must be approved by Thursday. 

4/3-4/5 Classics

In-class- Troy with comparative discussion

HW- None

Have a great Spring Break!

4/2 Classics

In-class- Watched Troy with discussion

HW- None

The Iliad MAKE-UP Socratic Seminar TOMORROW @ 9:00.

4/1 Classics

In-class~ The Iliad Socratic Seminar, passed out Troy opt-out forms (see post below)

HW~ None


3/29 Classics

In-class~ Prep time for The Iliad Socratic Seminar (entrance sheet here)

HW~ Finish prep for Socratic Seminar DUE MONDAY

Upcoming~ The film Troy will be viewed next week starting on Tuesday in connection with our reading of The Iliad. If you have questions about the use of the film or would like to opt out please go here.

3/28 Classics

In-class~ The Iliad Ch. 1-4 discussion, brief discussion on the tragic hero, reading time

HW~ Finish The Iliad (Be sure to read the Epilogue too)

Upcoming~ The Iliad Socratic Seminar MONDAY

3/27 Classics

In-class~ Intro to Homeric Cycle and Homeric Hero, prologue to The Iliad

HW~ Read Ch. 1-4 (pg. 48-61) of The Iliad in the turquoise World Mythology books.


Early Hero Boardtalk Makeup (For those absent)

Using quotes to support your analysis, answer the following questions.

1. Analyze how Heracles fits the journey/quest part of the hero archetype.

2. Which two archetypal points of the hero are missing from Perseus's story? How are they related?

3. Choose 3 archetypal points of the hero and analyze how Theseus fits them.


3/26 Classics

In-class~ Early Heroes Boardtalk, watched brief retelling of Theseus

HW~ Creative Mythology projects DUE TOMORROW!

3/25 Classics

In-class~ Finished The Clash of the Titans and discussed briefly, reading time

HW~ Classical Mythology pg 599-605 (Start at Theseus, stop at the Amazons)

For tomorrow~ Prep for open note Early Heroes Boardtalk on how Heracles, Perseus and Theseus fit the hero archetype. Must use quotes and discuss Theseus in order to earn as A.

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology books DUE WEDNESDAY

3/22 Classics

In-class- Watched Clash of the Titans

HW- None... Bring brown Classical Mythology books on Monday.

3/21 Classics

In-class~ Perseus Quiz & Discussion, started The Clash of the Titans

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology Book DUE WEDNESDAY 3/27 (NEW DUE DATE) 

3/20 Classics

In-class~ The Labors of Heracles Reading Check Quiz & Discussion

HW~ Read Classical Mythology (brown) pg 547-556 on Perseus

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology book DUE MONDAY

3/19 Classics

In-class~ Hercules

HW~ Read The Labors of Heracles (pg. 26-31 in turquoise World Mythology), bring brown books tomorrow

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology books DUE MONDAY

3/18 Classics

In-class~ Hero Archetype ppt., started Hercules film

HW~ None due tomorrow

Upcoming~ Creative Mythology Book DUE NEXT MONDAY 3/25

3/15 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Short Answer Exam, assigned Creative Mythology Project (here)

HW~ None

3/14 Classics

In-class- Olympians Objective Exam

HW- Study for Olympians Short Answer Exam

3/12 & 3/13 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Exam Review

HW~ Study for Olympians Exam (Review in yesterday's post_

3/11 Classics

In-class~ Dionysus/Hermes review, revisit the polarity chart

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Olympians Exam on Thursday & Friday (review here)

3/8 Classics

In-class~ Olympian first-person perspective story

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Olympian Exam on Thursday & Friday (review here)

3/7 Classics

In-class~ Dionysus discussion questions, read Chapter 12 (Hermes) in Classical Mythology (stop at Hermaphroditus)

HW~ Finish Hermes reading

Upcoming~ Olympian Exam has been moved to Thursday 3/14 & Friday 3/15

3/6 Classics

In-class~ Apollo's Loves and discuss

HW~ Read Chapter 13 Dionysus summary (here) stopping at section on Pan.

Upcoming~ Olympians Exam next week. Review here.

3/5 Classics

In-class~ Apollo discussion & film on the Oracle of Delphi

HW~ None

3/4 Classics

In-class~ Goddesses Boardtalk and Debrief

HW~ Read on Apollo on pg. 250-256 (skip 254) & 267-268 in Classical Mythology (brown)

3/1 Classics

In-class- Read Chapter 8 in Classical Mythology book, and completed Athena discussion questions. (See documents to the right)

HW- None

2/28 Classics

In-class~ Artemis Scavenger Hunt  & brief review

HW~ Bring Classical Mythology (BROWN) books tomorrow

2/27 Classics

In-class- Aphrodite reading check & discussion, partner read of Pygmalion & Adonis myths (Classical Mythology pg. 192-196)

HW- None

2/26 Classics

In-class- Recapped archetypes of first generation Olympians, intro to second generation and concepts of polarity and duality, intro to polarity chart

HW- Classical Mythology pg. 197-205 (Aphrodite & Anchises)

2/25 Classics

In-class~ Discussed nature of Poseidon, Monsters & Other Mythical Creatures ppt.

HW~ Bring BROWN Classical Mythology books tomorrow

2/15 Classics

In-class~ The Rape of Persephone class discussion


2/14 Classics

In-class~ Read Demeter and Persephone (pg. 15 World Mythology) and prepared discussion questions (see below).

HW~ None

Discussion Questions

In this myth we learn more about Demeter, Hades, and Zeus. What do we learn about their character and nature? Support ideas with quotes.

How is the vengeance of Demeter described differently than that of Hera? Why is this important?

This myth is representative of the cyclical nature of life: life, death, and rebirth. How is this personified in the myth? Why would this theme be important to the ancient Greek world?

2/13 Classics

 In-class~ Finished  Clash of the Gods- Zeus, discussed Zeus's lovers and Hera's wrath

HW~ None

2/12 Classics

In-class~ Zeus reading check quiz, watched Clash of the Gods-Zeus

HW~ Print and Read Zeus's Lovers

2/11 Classics

In-class~ Olympians Chart Quiz, brief discussion on the nature of the gods

HW~ Reading from Classical Mythology (brown book) Pg. 116-117 (Section- Divine Character of Zeus) & Pg. 139-140 (Section- Zeus and Monotheism)

2/8 Classics

In-class~ Olympian Presentations

HW~Study for Olympians Chart Quiz Monday

2/7 Classics

In-class~ Olympian Presentations

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Olympians Chart Quiz Monday

2/6 Classics

In-class~ Library time to complete Olympians Partner Project, checked out text books

HW~ Finish project if not done in class

Reminder~ Tomorrow is the last day to make-up Monday's Origin Quiz

2/5 Classics

In-class~ Library research time for Olympian Partner Project

HW~ None


Upcoming~ Olympian Presentations will start on Thursday

2/4 Classics

In-class~ Origins Quiz, assigned Olympians Partner Project

HW~ Start initial research of your god/goddess


2/1 Classics

In-class~ Read The Flood Cycle and created accompanying visual

HW~ Study for Greek Origin Quiz on MONDAY (Study Guide below)

Study Guide for Origin Quiz
Quiz will focus on MAIN plot points and archetype/theme analysis

Creation of Universe & Gods
   Elemental Deities
   Castration of Uranus
   Overthrow of Titans
   Rise of Olympians

Prometheus and Pandora
   Punishment of Prometheus
   Punishment of Man
   Pandora & Box

Ages of Man
   Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroes, Iron

Flood Cycle
   Deucalion and Pyrrha

1/31 Classics

In-class~ Finished review of Greek cosmogony, small group discussion on Prometheus & Pandora, read and discussed The Ages of Man

HW~ None

Upcoming~ Greek Origin Quiz MONDAY!

1/30 Classics

In-class~ Read Greek Cosmogony/Theogony myth (origin of the universe and gods) and discussed

HW~ The Legend of Prometheus and Pandora reading DUE TOMORROW

1/29 Classics

In-class~ Finished Intro to Mythology ppt.

HW~ Bring signed syllabus if not turned in today

1/28 Classics

In-class~ Reviewed syllabus, Intro to Mythology ppt.

HW~ Get syllabus signed DUE WEDNESDAY 1/30


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