10/31 Classics

In-class~ Hermes Reading Check Quiz, Archetype review discussion, Polarity Chart review discussion

HW~ Study for Olympian Exam on TUESDAY

10/31 IB Block

In-class~ Unit 3 Assessment

HW~ No new, Unit 3 HWP DUE MONDAY

10/30 Classics

In-class~ Dionysus small group discussion, brief discussion on Olympian Exam, time to revisit polarity chart

HW~ Read Homeric Hymn to Hermes (guided questions not required, but could help shape notes)
Reading check quiz tomorrow is open note (NOT OPEN READING, so takes notes on separate paper if you want to use them)

Upcoming~ Olympian Exam on Tuesday (Focal pts. of exam and chapter pg. #s)

10/30 IB Block

In-class~ Discussion on Mexican-American War (source differences and content)

HW~ Study for Unit 3 Assessment

10/29 Classics

In-class~ Bacchae Reading Quiz and discussion, read Classical Mythology pg. 320-325

HW~ Finish reading if not done in class

10/29 IB Block

In-class~ Brief Discussion on REpublic and Texas and MExican-American War, watched more Independence Documentaries

HW~ Critical read this and answer source analysis questions

Upcoming~ Unit 3 Assessment on FRIDAY (study guide)

10/28 Classics

In-class~ Discussion on "tragic dilemma of human existence", Lovers of Apollo ppt.

HW~ Classical Mythology pgs. 302-319


10/28 IB Block

In-class~ Manifest Destiny ppt. discussion w/ Mexico and Texas Independence Documentaries

HW~ T&S notes 553-561

Upcoming~ Unit 3 Assessment  FRIDAY

10/27 Classics

In-class~ Quick discussion on Oracle of Delphi, read pg. 246-256 & 267-269 in Classical Mythology, started Apollo reflection writing 

HW~ Finish 2-paragraph reflection if not done in class

Make-up Goddesses Socratic Seminar will be WEDNESDAY @ 9:10.

10/27 IB Block

In-class~ Tried to watch Independence Documentaries (school technology fail on sound for most), we will finish these tomorrow

HW~ None

10/24 Classics

In-class~ Watched In Search of History: The Oracle of Delphi w/ notes

HW~ None

10/24 IB Block

In-class~ Reading notes form AMERICANS  on the Expanding Market Economy and Manifest Destiny 

HW~ Documentaries due Monday


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